Operation instructions Butterfly Check Valve Series TRI-CHECK, with
counter weight and optional hydraulic damper
ZWICK Armaturen GmbH D-58256 Ennepetal
Instructions No.
Zw-Tri-Check-2016 / Rev.11
These Instructions shall support the user of check valves of the Series TRI-CHECK with the
installation, operation and maintenance of the valves.
It will be dangerous for the user if the following „attention“-, „warning“- and
„danger“-notices are not observed, and the liability of the manufacturer may
become ineffective.
In case of any question to the manufacturer, see addresses in clause 9.
Intended Conditions of Use
The sole purpose of Check valves of the
Series TRI-CHECK is, after assembly in a pipe system
(between flanges or by welding to the pipe) to let pass or shut off media in the allowable direction,
pressure and temperature range, or to control the flow. For fluids with more than very small content
of solid particulates – especially hard and/or sharp ones – this series should not be used.
The ZWICK catalogue layout-sheets <Butterfly Valves TRI-CHECK> specify the admissible range
of p/t-rating.
Clause 2.2 < Important information for the user> shall be observed.
If a valve is used for permanent flow control at differential pressure more than
about 0.15 bar (liquid fluids) the flow parameters shall be accepted by the
manufacturer. Cavitation has to be avoided by all means.
Safety Instructions
General Safety Instructions
The safety requirements apply for valve units same as for the pipe system into which the valve is
installed and same as for the plant control system, to which the actuator is connected. This
instruction gives such advices only, which
More safety information may be included in the relevant manual of the actuator.
shall be observed additionally
Safety Instructions for the Operator
It is not the valve manufacturer’s liability, and therefore it shall be observed by the user, that
the valve is only used as specified in clause 1 < Intended Conditions of Use >,
No valve shall be used, that’s certified pressure/temperature range (= "rating") is not
sufficient for the operating conditions: The relevant diagrams in the ZWICK catalogue
<Butterfly Valves TRI-CHECK> specify this admissible range. See clause 9
If other materials are used or at service conditions not included in the above mentioned
diagrams, the manufacturer shall be asked for release.
Ignoring these requirements could mean danger for the life or health of the user
and/or cause damage in the piping system.
The user shall check and ensure that the choice of the valve’s materials is suitable for
the fluids used.
The valve manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from corrosion.
Ignoring these requirements could mean the danger of injury of the user and/or
cause damage in the piping system.
the addition of a damper is only allowed after proper design and proper assembly,