“Product Model Selection Error Detected”
information alert posted in plumbSMART™
Step 1
Verify the product model installed matches the product
model selected in plumbSMART™.
Step 2
If an incorrect product model was selected in plumb-
SMART™, then contact Zurn Customer Service at
844.987.6737 for assistance in changing the product
model selection. Alert should automatically clear within
1 hour after selecting the correct product model. (May
need to refresh the web page by clicking on reload icon
in the browser to clear the alert.)
“Flow Meter Signal Detected” information
alert posted in plumbSMART™
Step 1
Verify installed product has no connections to middle
Step 2
Remove any wires connected to middle cable.
Momentarily power off the Zurn Connected Remote Pres
sure Monitor, then reapply power. Wait 15
minutes and refresh browser. Misconfiguration alert
should clear.
1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone:855-663-9876 Fax:805-238-5766