A. lnterruption of Existing Sewer Services: Do not interrupt services to facilities occupied by Owner or others unless
permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary sewer services
according to requirements indicated:
1. Notify [Architect] [Construction Manager] [Owner] no fewer than [seven] <Insert number> days in advance
of proposed interruption of service.
2. Do not proceed with interruption of sewer services without [Architect's) [Construction Manager's]
[Owner's] written permission.
2. 1
A. Oil Interceptors: Fiberglass, to be appropriately sized based on anticipated usage and flow rates to meet applicable
sanitary sewer discharge limits, incl. municipal by-laws.
1. Include accessways, cells or baffles, and piping or openings to retain grease and to permit wastewater flow.
2. PVC cement welded type socket ports, or straight pipe, fitted into interceptor walls for each pipe connection.
3. Accessway Extension Collar:
a. Fiberglass risers (EC2), 24-inch (610-mm).
4. Accessway Frames and Covers: Round cover with non slip cover finish, gasketed and non vented top
design with “Proceptor” lettering cast into cover.
a. Cast Iron: AASHTO M306 Traffic load rated. 24-inch (610-mm) diameter cover with 0.25" (6-mm)
gasket. Two closed pickholes. Non Bolted or Bolted option. Weight 249 lbs. ASTM A48 CL35B.
b. Fiberglass: Pedestrian loading 24" diameter bolted and gasketed.
5. Watertight Flexible Caulking: Sikaflex 255 or Sikaflex 221 or approved alternate to provide watertight seal
at extension collar joints.
B. Capacities and Characteristics:
1. Number of Compartments: <x cells>
2. Oil Retention Capacity: <xxx USG>.
3. Solids Retention Capacity: <xxx USG>.
4. Inlet and Outlet Pipe Size: <4"/6">.
a. Centerline of Inlet to Floor: <Insert inches (mm)>.
b. Centerline of Outlet to Floor: <Insert inches (mm)>.
5. Vent Pipe Size: <3">.
6. Installation Position: Underground with accessway collar riser to grade.
7. OPTIONS as required:
a. Suction port for remote pump-out.
b. Alarm for high oil accumulation. Includes alarm probe to be installed near top of tank accessway
and alarm panel for indoor wall mount.
8. Zurn Green Turtle Proceptor Model : <OMC XXX>.