Which states:
l/ha –
Liquid application rate in liters per hectare
l/min –
Flow through all the nozzles together
km/h – Driving speed in km/h
W –
Row width
in m
For the example, take a yellow ALBUZ nozzle. From the nozzle flow table is evident the flow
thru nozzle by 10 bar - 1,02 l/min. If all nozzles are open (12), consume for all is 12,24 l per
minute (1,02 x 12). By working speed of 6 km/h and for an example for 3 m row with, the fluid
consumption is 408 l on a hectare.
600 x 12,24 l/min
l/ha = ---------------------------- = 408 l/ha
6 km/h x 3,0 m
In addition, the consumption for all other nozzles (violet, green, red…) can be calculated, if you
want to change quantity of the used fluid.
The normal consumption for calculation of the concentration is 1500 l/ha. By concentration of
0,2% of an agent, you must use 3 kg of it per hectare. By reducing the fluid consumption from
1500l/ha to 500l/ha, then you must raise the concentration for 3 times. From the experiences
we know, that by fine spraying procedures (150- 200 l/ha) can be calculated the consumption
with a normal consumption of 1000 l/ha (reduce the agent consumption for 1/3). Spraying
quality control can be done by using a testing paper (you can buy it by Zupan d.o.o.) or black
plastic foil (10 x 10 cm) which can be put on the plants. After the test spraying count the
droplets on the paper.