Important notes (wireless)
Please note that the maximum wireless range is achieved in open
areas. Any objects that are between the transmitter and receiver will
reduce the signal. A good/average received signal can be expected
when transmitting through wood or brick walls,
however it is
considerably more difficult to transmit through ceilings and
concrete. It is practically impossible to establish a connection
through reinforced concrete or metal
. Devices must therefore not be
installed on metal parts and where possible radio waves should pass
through walls at a right angle. When installing on external corners,
please be aware that signals cannot pass through walls lengthways.
The wireless connection will establish direct links between the
transmitter and receiver or will reflect radio waves from objects to
indirectly establish a connection to the receiver. Therefore connections
cannot be establish "around corners" if the transparency of the
brickwork does not enable such a connection.
Before definitely installing the devices, operate them in the intended
installation area for several days to ensure that the required area offers
an adequate wireless connection. To avoid interferences from the
power supply, the supply on the detector must be installed from behind
or above and not from below.
Jamming transmitter/interference:
Although an external transmitter
operate a MZ 5000 receiver (encoded signal), it can interfere with the
frequency so that the range can be partially or totally effected. The
transmitter/receiver must be installed at a distance of 2 m from one
another. Two transmitters should not be activated simultaneously, as
this can cause data collisions, which the receiver can only evaluate
poorly or not at all.
The control pad (CP) and the BiDi module can send and receive
signals/commands. Although these cannot be completed
simultaneously and must be completed successively. When the MZ
5000/BiDi module (or CP) is completing a transmitting sequence, the
device cannot receive commands for this short period of time.
This must especially be taken in to account during the test phase.
When a detection is made, wait for the acoustic signal before sending a
command from the control pad to the MZ 5000 BiDi.