ZXG10-OB06 (V1.0) Integrated Outdoor GSM Base Station Technical Manual
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The five layers, from bottom-to-top are as follows:
H a r d w a r e
The physical platform on which the CMM software runs.
B o a r d - l e v e l S u p p o r t P a c k a g e ( B S P )
BSP initializes CMM boards and provides drivers for the relevant parts of
the equipment. It provides consistent operation interfaces for the specific
details of the upper-level encapsulated hardware equipment and simplifies
the Operation Support System.
p S O S + O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m
It is a real-time multi-task operating system for commercial purposes and
with superior performance. The operating system has been successfully
applied to the next-generation BTS.
O p e r a t i o n S u p p o r t S y s t e m ( O S S )
This layer consists of the following parts:
RUNSPT: It is the core layer of OSS and a dispatch system, and
provides following functions:
Process dispatch
Process communication
Memory management
Timer management
Process monitoring and abnormality capture
RUNCTRL: It is the operation control layer of the system. It includes
the system control module and implements the power-on sequence for
application processes. In addition, the layer includes some
miscellaneous functions of the operating system such as redirection of
the printing messages.
LNKDRV: It is the device driver and provides equipment independent
drivers for LNKCTR while working with BSP. This part also includes a
frame number synchronization module, which implements the frame
number synchronization between the following:
Active/standby CMMs
Active CMMs of the base and the extension cabinet
Master CMM and TRMs
LNKCTRL: It is the communication link control layer module and
consists of the following:
LAPD communication link control module: LAPD is the
communication link control module of the Abis interface.
HDLC communication link control module: HDLC is the
communication link control module inside the cabinet. They all
communicate in a point-to-point way.