Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the components of an alarm system and the functions
of the alarm box that can prompt alarms by sounds or lights or forward them to
appropriate personnel through short messages.
Topic Section
Alarm System Components
Alarm Box
Technical Specifications
1.2 Alarm System Components
The alarm system enables users to learn the faults occurring to devices at any
time. If a device is faulty or runs improperly, it sends alarm information to the
alarm server that not only presents current or history alarms but also forwards
alarms to the alarm box in real time. The alarm box generates sounds or lights
to prompt the received alarms of different severities and forwards alarm
information to pre-set mobile phone number if necessary.
The alarm system consists of two components, namely the alarm server (generally
it is an OMC server) and the alarm box, as shown in Figure 1.2-1.