ZPrAE Sp. z o.o.
At the bottom there is an energy storage charge indicator. Three bars indicate that
the energy storage is fully charged. RESET button is used do cancel/confirm the
signalling. This operation can be performed after entering the correct level 1 password.
In the middle of the window, which is described as readouts, there are three tabs as
shown in fig. 5.5: measurements, protection status and maintenance. Protection status
indicates if functional block is energised, in operation or e.g. if the time of a given
protection stage is elapsing. Circuit breaker parameters are displayed under maintenance
i.e. circuit breaker operation counter, operation time and a sum of currents tripped out by
the circuit breaker.
Fig. 5.5. General overview of AZT-9 readouts/measurements tabs.
Next tab of the window allows the user to set up the protection device. It is shown in fig.
5.6. In this tab the user sets up:
device ID – device name or name of the supported facility (factory number and year
of manufacture is available as read-only),
phase protection – three operation stages,
earth-fault protection – three operation stages,
negative sequence protection – three operation stages,
current circuit monitoring (CTS),
breaker failure protection,
configuration of group signalling relay,
configuration of signal sources triggering the energy storage for two sections,
operation delay of section No. 2 of energy storage,
signal configuration for two logic gates.