Each button of a module has several characteristics. With a few
exceptions, each button of any given module acts as either an
input or an output of either an audio or a CV path.
Audio signals flow from the output button of one module to the
input button of another module. Audio processing occurs as the
audio goes through the module and the altered audio comes out
of the output, much like a standard guitar pedal or synth module.
Analysis modules analyze audio signals in some way and output
CV signals.
CV (control voltage) signals in the ZOIA are a lot like the
CV signals you may be familiar with from the synth world.
Like CV in the synth world, they transmit information from one
module to another. In the synth world however, CV signals range
from -15 volts to +15 volts. In the ZOIA, CV signals range from
0 to 1, or in some cases from -1 to +1. If a button is a CV input,
it can be connected to other buttons that are CV outputs.
Each CV input button also has a bias value that can be set
by pressing that button and twisting the knob. The bias value
goes from 0 to +1. The bias will determine the starting point
for any changes in CV brought in by the connections you make.