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ZODIAC quick inflation system permits, in boats equipped with inflation points, an easy inflation
of the boat as a whole from a 15 litre compressed air diving bottle.
The inflation system consists of:
3 high pressure hoses,
1 regulator manometer,
3 quick couplings,
1 diving bottle.
The keel inflation system consists of:
Couplings to the main buoyancy tube and element to be inflated,
Feed hoses,
Quick connectors.
The couplings can be replaced by standard ZODIAC inflation valves.
The connector is locked by pushing the male part into the female one.
For disconnection, press on the metallic latch.
The hoses can be pulled out from the coupling receptacle by pushing on the ring and pulling out
the hose.
Push the hoses into the couplings to ensure proper connection. To deflate the keel either
disconnect the hoses couplings or press on the male ends of the hoses.
Illustration in Appendix of page A-7
Illustration in Appendix of page A-8
The inflation bottle can stay in its casing during navigation. Usually, enough air remains in order
to allow additional inflation if needed.
The inflation bottle must be filled up on a diving bottle filling bench as per standard regulations
applicable to diving bottles.
Illustration in Appendix of page A-8
Check inventory of the quick inflation kit (2) and figure out how to install the diving bottle (1).
Piping (7) is the longest.
Pull out the plug cap from each of the inflation points located as follows:
2 points on the buoyancy tube separated by the transom,
1 point on the inflatable floor.
Screw the quick couplings (8 and 3) to the inflation points. The black or grooved coupling (3)
must be fitted on the inflatable floor.