Savage Cub Australian Flight Manual © X-Air Australia 2008 Release 1.2 Page 8 of 40
Standard Atmosphere
Standard Atmosphere is the pressure at sea level at
15°C. The standard lapse rate is approx. 2°C per
1000ft increase in altitude.
Airfield Pressure Altitude
The Airfield Pressure Altitude is that altitude registered
at the surface of the aerodrome by an altimeter with
the pressure subscale set to 1013 millibars
Density Altitude
The Pressure Altitude corrected for
non standard
Takeoff Flaps
Produce more
than drag.
Landing Flaps
Produce more
than lift.
Indicated Airspeed (I.A.S.)
Indicated airspeed, which is the reading obtained from
an airspeed indicator having no calibration error
Takeoff Safety Speed
The Takeoff Safety Speed is a speed chosen to ensure
that adequate control will exist under all conditions,
including turbulence and sudden and complete engine
failure, during the climb after takeoff
Landing Safety Speed
The Landing Safety Speed is the speed chosen to
ensure that adequate control will exist under normal
conditions, including turbulence, to carry out normal
flare and touchdown
Normal Operating Speed
This speed shall not normally be exceeded. Operations
above the Normal Operating Speed shall be conducted
with caution and only in smooth air
VA Manoeuvring Speed
Maximum for manoeuvres involving an approach to
stall conditions or full application of the primary flight
VFE Maximum Flap Extended
The highest speed permissible with wing flaps in the
extended position
VNO Maximum Structural Cruising
The speed that should not be exceeded except in
smooth air, and then only with caution
VNE Never Exceed Speed
The speed limit that may not be exceeded at any time
VSO Stalling Speed
Stalling Speed, the minimum steady flight speed in the
landing configuration MTOW. (without vortex
generators installed)
Vx Best Angle-Of-Climb Speed
The speed which results in the greatest gain of altitude
in a given horizontal distance
VY Best Rate-Of-Climb Speed
The speed which results in the greatest gain in altitude
in a given time
Meteorological Terminology
OAT Outside Air Temperature
The free static air temperature. It is expressed in either
degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.
Standard Temperature
Standard Temperature is 15 degrees C at sea level
pressure altitude.
Pressure Altitude
The altitude read from the altimeter when the
altimeter's barometric scale has been set to 1013 mb
(29.92 inches of mercury).