24 ZM100 User Manual
[Verify Mode] [Main Menu > System > Operate Setting>
Verify Mode]
[Verify Mode]
Common verification
All users can unlock the lock after successful
Verification only by
Only administrators can unlock the lock after
successful verification.
Dual verifications
Combined recognitions. The lock can be unlocked
after any two verification modes are successful.
Combined recognitions can be performed when dual verifications are selected.
Combined recognitions comprise passcode & face, card & passcode, card & face, face & fingerprint,
passcode & fingerprint, and card & fingerprint. When the first recognition mode is successful, the
system enters the second recognition mode immediately. The two recognition modes are
performed in a random order.
Initialization Setting
Initialize user data. Press the touch-screen awakening key, and hold the reset key for 5 seconds. The
lock initialization is completed.