US922 USER GUIDE | 2016
A similar screen will display:
Scroll with the
to move through employ-
ees line by line.
Scroll with the
keys to move through em-
ployees page by page.
to select the de-
sired employee(s) who will
receive the short message.
Press the key to save selection and return to the New SMS menu.
When you have completed writing the content of the message and when the mes-
sage will be displayed, highlight the
key and press
. The short message
has now been saved. (Note: you can save multiple messages and randomly choose
who will receive them and when.)
View Public Short
When a “Public” short
message has been created,
the “Check/Clock-In screen
has the envelope icon
displayed at the bottom of
the screen
To view the Public Short
Message, press the
View Personal Short
The Personal message will
be displayed for 30 seconds.
Work Codes
In some cases, the same employee may perform different work/jobs. For example, in
a restaurant the same employee may start his/her shift as a waiter and then switch to
tending bar.
Since different positions receive different rates of pay, the US922 allows an employee
to enter different work codes when “checking/clocking in.”
Start at the
Check/Clock-In screen.
Press the Menu key
to open the
Main Menu
, as shown in the figure below:
From the Main Menu, high-
light and select
From within the User Menu,
scroll with the
Work Code
is high-
to accept.
Then press the
key. The following drop-down menu