Electrolysis Device SGM5EL Operation
8 Operation and parametrization
8.1 Operation
8.1.1 Switch-on and measurement indication
When the SGM5-EL is in operating state and all lines are connected
according to chapter 7.2, it can be switched on. The combi cell reaches its
operating temperature of 750 °C after approx. 10 minutes. The current
measuring value is displayed but only reaches the indicated error limits after
an hour when the thermal conditions in the measuring cell are even.
After switch-on the SGM5-EL is in display mode. On the display the
programmed measuring value for output 1 is shown (normally the oxygen
concentration) digitally according to the chosen dimension(vol% or ppm) or
as an analog bar. In the second line of the display on the right side either the
temperature of the measuring cell in °C or the cell voltage in mV is shown.
Underneath a warning or error code could be indicated.
If the control parameter is the electrolysis current, the electrolysis
voltage is limited (1.5V for electrolysis cell protection)!
If there is no constant electrolysis current, the necessary electrolysis voltage
might not be supplied by the device!
8.1.2 Gas flow adjustment
For exact measurings a flow rate of 5 to 10 l/h (40…50 scale parts of external
flow meter) has to be ensured. For measurings at equal pressure the flow
rate is realized by an internal pump.
At excess pressure of the measuring gas the manufacturer recommends the
installation of a high-quality needle valve. Appropriate needle valves can be
delivered by the manufacturer of the SGM5-EL. For higher pressures of the
measuring gas an
pressure regulator is recommended which
adjusts a pressure of approx. 100 kPa (1 bar)
excess pressure.
8.1.3 Data monitoring
In the SGM5-EL two limit values can be programmed which provide
messages over relay exits. The relays are opened in the active condition.
This condition is displayed for active limit values on the left on the second
line. The signaling is delayed. The response time can be adjusted for the
data monitoring (limit value delay time) between 1 second and 99 seconds.