Page 8 MX31 Cab, MX31FU Radio Cab
Start-up procedure of a new system or a cab containing no data:
5. Power up the MX31/MX31FU for the first
The cab is powered up automatically whenever it is connected to the CAN bus of a live command
station. The cab first enters
the start up screen displaying the software version and the connection status;
if a radio cab MX31FU, together with a MXFU radio base module is connected to the same CAN
bus, the cab displays the radio channel as set in the MXFU and the radio code number, which is
automatically picked by the MXFU. This confirms the initialization of the radio cab, meaning that it
will only be able to communicate with this command station but not with other command stations of
nearby layouts.
About 2 seconds later the cab automatically switches to the
address input screen (see chapter „Address input“).
It is possible that the cab may switch directly to the driving (LOCO) or turnout (SWI) mode if a test
was performed on the cab earlier and the content wasn’t deleted before shipping. In such a case, the
address input page is reached by pressing the A key (=deactivates address) or pressing (repeatedly
if required) the C key (=deletes the address from memory).
Startup display for about 2 sec Address input page
Normal start-up procedure (without previous deletion of cab content):
6. Power up
The cab is powered up automatically whenever it is connected to the CAN bus of a live command
station with the exception of the radio cab MX31FU operated in radio mode, which is turned on with
the A key. With the
MX31 and MX31FU tethered –
the first screen
shown is
the start up screen, displaying the soft-
ware version and the connection status; shortly after (or immediately by pressing any key) it
switches to the mode that was active before the cab was powered down, that is usually to the driv-
ing (LOCO) or accessory (SWI) mode (see below).
MX31FU in radio mode
– it switches immediately to the
mode that was active before the cab was
powered down, that is usually to the driving (LOCO) or accessory (SWI) mode (see below).
Startup display for about 2 sec
LOCO display or SWI display
(tethered only)
7. Address input
at first start-up after the start-up display or
only in the OPERATOR mode with the “A” key deactivating the driving (LOCO) or accessory (SWI)
in all modes including EXPERT mode with
(shift and “A” key together), or
or from the LOCO or SWI menu (see chapter “MENU”).
From the OPERATOR mode
with “A” key
to the address input page.
From the EXPERT mode