Page 12 MX31 Cab, MX31FU Radio Cab
9. SWI - mode
There is a similarity between the SWI-mode and the LOCO-mode which means that the operation is
much the same. There are, however, some differences as indicated below..
immediately after power-up if cab was in the SWI-mode before the last shut-down, or
activating an address with the
W key
during address input, or
scrolling through the recall memory using the
W key,
switching from the LOCO mode to the SWI mode with the
W key,
activating an address with the
A key
from the tabular display of the recall memory, or
activating an address name marked with a “W” from the list of names using the
A key,
after exiting E-procedures, programming and similar with A (Accept) or E (Escape) key.
From the address input page . .
with W
An accessory address from 1 to 512 (address range for accessory de-
coders) can also control up to
8 single functions
(e.g. uncoupler or
single light bulbs/LED’s of signals), one function for each number key
from 1 to 8. This operating mode is programmed for an accessory ad-
dress with the help of the E-procedure “9” or via the SWI menu.
with A
From the tabular display . . .
(recall memory, list of names,
see chapter “Recall memory”) . . . to the SWI mode.
Red display shows:
Top bar: “SWI”, number of addresses stored in recall memory (R …), fast clock,
Center: accessory address (or name
address), switch ladder indicated with an “H” if applica-
Bottom bar: battery and radio signal strength (only with MX31FU in radio mode), soft key ID’s and
applied speed steps (“s…”);
Number keys 1 to 4 or 1 to 8 (depending on decoder or module type) are used to operate
switches, signals etc., for the active accessory address. LED’s above keys indicate status of ac-
The locomotive that was active last remains active in the SWI mode and can be controlled with the
speed slider, direction key, stop key, and MN and RG keys. Engine status is indicated with light
bar, LED’s for direction, MN and shunting (RG); see chapter LOCO – mode
Accessories (switches or signals) are operated with the number keys and the current setting is dis-
played with the accompanying LED; 4 or 8 keys are used depending on the kind of accessory, the
kind of decoders or modules and the operating mode selected
Each active
accessory address
1 to 512 (address range for ac-
cessory decoders)
, controls up to
4 paired functions
(switches or
red/green signals) that are connected to one or several accessory de-
coders: Each key from 1 to 4 switches one turnout, switch position (or
signal status) is indicated with LED above respective key in red/green.
This is the most frequent and standardized form of accessory operation.
5 to 8,
which are normally unused for the 4 paired
functions, can be assigned for a
second accessory address
in the
EXPERT mode, which allows actuation and control of up to 8 turnouts.
This saves a lot of unnecessary switching between decoder addresses
and makes operation easier and more fun. After a second accessory
address has been assigned in the EXPERT mode it can also be used in
the OPERATOR mode! See SWI status in
EXPERT – Mode.
If single functions are selected, each number key can operate in either
the default mode “always on” (= press function key turns function on,
press again to turn off) or the momentary mode (= function is on only as
long as the function key is pressed), with the help of the E-procedure
“MD” or via the SWI menu.
module number between 800…. 863
breaks up into several
for example
814/2, 814/3, 814/4
an accessory module
can for example be used to control 16 turnouts (2 groups of 8 turnouts
each) or 32 light bulbs/LED (4 groups of 8). Each group of 8 can then
be actuated with the 8 function keys on the cab. It is easy to scroll
through and select from the different groups stored in the SWI-recall
memory with the
W key.
A group normally controls up to
8 paired functions
(switches or
red/green signals) that are connected to the outputs of that MX8 group:
each number key from 1 – 8 controls one switch or signal, position or
signal status indicated with red/green LED.
First group of 8 Second group of 8