Page 28 MX31 Cab, MX31FU Radio Cab
99. Preview
of future software versions
Developments following SW version 1.12
The most important features still missing and improvements to SW version 1.12:
Loco and accessory (address) names hand-off’s to other cabs, command station and computer
(the latter for editing and back-up).
Reorganization of loco consisting and turnout ladders, among others: usage of names for trains
and turnout ladders.
Further simplifications of decoder programming especially for the most often used CV’s such as
characteristic curve and momentum as well as special procedures for ZIMO sound decoders.
Special procedures for operating sequences, routes and MX9 operating mode 1.
Special procedures for setting up sound decoders.
Display and management of booster circuits.
Shunting key
The above mentioned points are of first priority; for other plans see chapter 0 (“What’s new?”) in this