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Persona The Personalized Knee
Surgical Technique
Persona Anterior Referencing Sizer
2.5 mm Male Hex Driver
Size Femur – Anterior
Referencing Sizer
Size Femur and Establish External Rotation
Rotate the feet of the anterior referencing sizer so the
appropriate “left” or “right” markings are visible as the
anterior referencing sizer is placed on the bone (Figure
117). External rotation can be set at 3 degrees or 5
degrees from the posterior condylar axis.
Technique Tip:
Remove any osteophytes that
interfere with instrument positioning.
Apply the anterior referencing sizer so that the flat
surface of the anterior referencing sizer is flush against
the resected surface of the distal femur and the feet
of the anterior referencing sizer are flush against the
posterior condyles. Center the anterior referencing
sizer mediolaterally. Both the vertical and horizontal
portions of the anterior referencing sizer provide
visual cues relative to the AP and epicondylar axes of
the femur to help ensure that desired external rotation
is attained.
Figure 117
Figure 118
Sizer geometry is rotated 3 degrees to align
to the A/P and epicondylar axes of the femur. The
3 degrees drill holes are rotated 3 degrees from
the posterior feet and are neutral to the central
sizer geometry. This enables use of the A/P and
epicondylar axis to set rotation.
If the 3 degrees external rotation holes are to be used
to set external rotation, the etched line on the anterior
referencing sizer should be positioned so it is in line
with Whiteside’s line (Figure 118) to optimize the M/L
position of the drill holes for subsequent anterior
referencing 4-in-1 cut guide placement.
Appendix C: Optional Instruments
Side Designation