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Persona The Personalized Knee
Surgical Technique
Pin/Screw Inserter
Alignment Rod with Coupler
Persona Tibial Cut Guide Right - 7°
Persona Tibial Stylus - 2/10 mm
Persona Drop Rod Adapter
75 mm x 3.2 mm Trocar
Tipped Drill Pin (2.5 mm hex)
Resection Guide
Figure 24
Figure 25
Figure 27
Figure 28
A resection guide can be placed through the cut
slot on the cut guide, to verify the desired level and
slope of the resection (Figure 26). Insert a 3.2 mm
trocar tipped pin through one of the "0" holes in the
cut guide with the pin/screw inserter. Ensure the cut
guide is flush to the bone and not impeded by soft
tissues before making the cut.
Insert a second trocar tipped pin through the other
"0" hole in the cut guide with the pin/screw inserter
(Figure 27). Remove the stylus by pushing the lever on
the side of the stylus and remove.
To confirm alignment, insert the drop rod adapter into
the cut guide and insert the alignment rod into the
adapter (Figure 28).
Figure 26
Resect Proximal Tibia
Set Resection Level
The 2 mm tip should rest on the defective tibial condyle
(Figure 24). This positions the slot of the cut guide to
remove 2 mm of bone below the tip of the stylus.
Alternatively, rest the 10 mm tip of the stylus on the
cartilage of the least involved condyle (Figure 25).
This will allow the removal of the same amount of
bone that the thinnest tibial component will replace.
These two points of resection will usually not coincide.
The surgeon must determine the appropriate level of
resection based on patient’s needs, such as age and
bone quality. Rotate the micro-adjustment dial of the
EM proximal tube to position the stylus and the cut
guide to the desired level.
Technique Tip:
When adjusting the height of the
EM alignment guide steady the distal portion of the
guide with one hand and use the other hand to adjust
the height of the proximal portion of the guide.