Intrusion Detection Development Kit
Quick Start Guide
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Getting Started
The ZMOTION Intrusion Detection Development Kit contains several lens options. To
provide a quick method of getting the Kit up and running, the ZMOTION MCU is initially
programmed with a
project using the RE200B-P pyroelectric
sensor and the ZWA12GI12V4 lens. By installing the lens and then applying power, the
basic operation of the Kit can be observed.
To get started with the Kit, observe the following brief procedure.
1. Install the ZWA12GI12V4 lens as described
on page 5
2. Insert the power supply output connector into the Mini-USB Plug P1 on the ZMOTION
Development Board and insert the other end into the wall outlet. Move SW1 on the
board up to the ON position.
Figure 2. The Three Lenses contained in this Development Kit