Zikodrive Motor Controllers are a product of Round Bank Engineering Ltd
Floor 2, Clifton Warehouse, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX6 2BY
- +44 (0) 1422647177
Motor not spinning
Check wiring of the motor, and check if the on
board fault LED is flashing.
Motor not running smoothly
Reduce the running current of the device
Can’t connect the software to the controller
Try opening and closing the com port. Make sure
which com port is being used by checking the
devices. Check the settings for baud rate are
Driver or motor getting hot
Reduce the current of the board via the UART,
consider adding a heat sink
UART not working
Contact us, and we will talk you through getting it
Unsure of COM port
Go to Device manager -> Ports (COM & LPT),
unplug/reconnect your UART lead from the
computer and see which COM port is being
removed/added. If you still can’t see the COM
port, you will need to install a driver (contact us)
Motor stopping at low speeds
Increase either the input voltage or the current of
the device using the UART
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If you have any questions, please contact our team on +44 (0) 1422 647177 or visit
send us a support request.