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Start Delay
This is a programmable timer that operates in milli seconds. The timer is reset on every power up of
the controller, and can be programmed to be anything from
“0” (No delay) all the way up to 65535
(around 65.5 seconds).
Analogue Scalers (Multiplier and Divider)
The Analogue Scaler Multiplier and the analogue Scaler Divider are used to fine tune the analogue
inputs (The external 0-5V and the onboard Potentiometer) to suite the required full scale motor
Analogue Scaler multiplier range = 1 to 16
Analogue Scaler divider range = 1 to 127
For example:
If the PID is enabled, and the motor speed at the full analogue value is to be 750Hz.
Full scale ADC value = 4095
If we had a multiplier value of 11, and a divider value of 60. The output would be:
(4095 x 11) / 60 = 750.75
This value is above the 750Hz target, however the controller will always round decimal points down
to the nearest whole number. So the final target speed when the analogue value is set to its
maximum will be exactly 750Hz.
Please note, that as the PID responds to a motor electrical frequency in Hz, and the Duty cycle is set
is set as a % between 0
100.0%. These analogue scaler values must change when the PID is Enabled
or Disabled.
Fixed Speed (%duty)
This parameter is used by the controller when the PID is not enabled. This value ranging between 1
to 1000 will set the PWM duty cycle going to the motor. For example, a value of 575 will set a target
duty cycle of 57.5%.