Diagram 58
Roller chain
The mounted roller chain for the cross-auger actuation must be
kept rust-free during the storage period.
Apart from that the usual recommendations for the care of roller
chains apply.
Diagram 59
The best storage place for the maize picker is in a well ventilated
hall standing on the storage rack or deposited on to dry ground.
All worn metallically bare parts must be protected from rust.
Lifting equipment may only be used as intended. Any modifica-
tions ort he use with other machines is prohibited.
Do not store the maize picker in lifted position
mounted to the harvester. Avoid unnecessary stress
to the harvester tyres.
Diagram 60
Picking row gears
If the picking row roller shafts (G) have been disassembled, for
whatever reason, the same must be reassembled with standard
graphite grease.
From time to time, it is necessary to clean the gear fans. If oil
leaks are detected at the gear bearings, amongst other elements,
the gear fan must also be checked for function.
Diagram 61
Drive connections
The well protected drive connections between the picking rows
must be checked for their condition in regular intervals.