Dear Sir, Madam,
Congratulations with your purchase of the Zibro, the number one brand among
movable heaters. You have purchased a first-class quality product, which will
serve you for many years to come. This, of course, provided you use the heater
correctly. Please read these Directions for Use first, to ensure maximum lifetime
for your Zibro.
Your heater comes with a 48-month manufacturer’s warranty on all defects in
material or workmanship.
We wish you much warmth and comfort with your Zibro.
Yours sincerely,
PVG Holding b.v.
Customer Service Department
1 Read the diRections foR Use fiRst.
2 in case of anY doUbt, contact YoUR dealeR.
3 befoRe YoU staRt Reading, fold oUt the last page.
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