Only use dedicated flue gas (chimney) pipe suitable for the occurring temperatures.
Make sure condens water formed on the flue wall can never enter the stove.
Never install two or more stoves on one chimney.
The draught of the flue gasses is inside the stove forced by a fan. Installing auxili-
ary fans inside the flue/chimney system could comprise the proper working of the
smoke extraction fan and must therefore be avoided.
Ensure to allow sufficient fresh air to enter the room. Per hour an additional 50 m
air is needed above the normal ventilation requirement for the room.
It is recommended to set up a combustion air intake from outdoors, as this will
result in less influence of the stove to the inside air. Attach a hose or similar duct to
combustion air inlet at the back of the stove (see picture 3 and 4). The other end
of the hose to be connected to outdoors, to the open, fresh air. Alternatively -but
less preferable-, the combustion air tube can be connected to a well ventilated ad-
jacent room, as long as, these rooms are not bedrooms, garages, store rooms, too
small rooms, or other rooms that present a risk when a suction system is connected
to this room (the stove will extract air from this room).
Picture 3 and 4:
A = combustion air inlet, diameter 40 mm
B = flue gas outlet, diameter 80 mm
For product improvement reasons please note that the manufacturer reserves the
right to change the dimensions of the combustion air inlet diameter and/or the
flue gas outlet without prior notice. Therefore always check the actual size of the
outlet on the unit itself.
Ventilation openings to be made close to the floor. Choose position carefully. Ven-
tilation openings must not be blocked (not on inside nor on outside).
Have a fresh air inlet to the room with a section of at least a quarter of the section
of the exhaust flue, with a minimum of 100 cm
If stove is positioned in rooms equipped with mechanical ventilation the following
guidelines apply:
Capacity of mechanical ventilation
Additional required ventilation
section [cm
50 – 100
101 – 150
• Make sure that the positioning of the fresh air inlet is always in full com-
pliance with local legislation!
• Make sure that the fresh air inlet for combustion is covered with (for
example) a grid to prevent animals from entering.
Picture 3: the butterfly
valve. Note the butter fly
valve is delivered loose.
Picture 4: stove view from
back side. The butterfly
valve mounted on the com-
bustion air inlet.