DOS Drivers and Utilities
unpredictable results occur. Use the Big Picture feature of TurboDLDClassic to accomplish the same
task as Zoom Dynamic, in a much more efficient fashion.
Switching Color Modes
When switching color modes, (from 16 to 256 or vice versa) the DLDCOLOR command should be
run in order to reconfigure your color palette for the number of colors selected. A black cursor and
disappearing crosshairs are both symptoms of a color palette problem.
AutoCAD R12's CONFIG command
Configuring TurboDLDClassic in the middle of a drawing session using the CONFIG command is a
bit like exiting and re-starting AutoCAD. If you are using the static Big Picture, re-initialize it after
returning from the Configuration menu.
Sticky Cursors
Sometimes, when using the Big Picture, the digitizer cursor appears to stick to the edge of the bird's-
eye. This is normal and is the result of the digitizer puck responding to the whole screen area while
the Big Picture only occupies a small portion of the screen. Because of the difference in resolutions
between the screen and the digitizer, when the screen cursor enters the Big Picture area, the digitizer
puck has more drawing area to cover in order to get to the same location as the screen cursor.
Using AutoCAD Commands
Since TurboDLDClassic is totally transparent to users with respect to using normal AutoCAD
commands to REDRAW, PAN, and ZOOM, you still have to suffer from some of AutoCAD's nuances.
One of these nuances is that ZOOM ALL and ZOOM EXTENTS both force a REGEN, because
AutoCAD does not keep track of various boundaries necessary to avoid the REGENs. REGENs are
rather time-consuming and do not use any display list processing to speed themselves up.
One way around this problem is to use another of AutoCAD's built-in features: the VIEW command.
When you first load your image and see the whole drawing on the screen at once, just type
Save ALL[Enter]
, which saves the display position you see under a view named All. Then, after
you have done some detailed editing and want to return to the big picture, type
VIEW Restore
, instead of
ZOOM All[Enter]
ZOOM Extents[Enter]
, and the full drawing is
restored to the display at display list speeds, without a REGEN.
Another nuance of AutoCAD is that if you zoom in too far or pan over too far, you may inadvertently
cause a REGEN. AutoCAD again provides a very simple solution: the REGENAUTO command. Just
at the AutoCAD command prompt, and automatic REGENs are
disabled. The REGENAUTO setting is also saved as part of your drawing file, so you only need to
execute it once per drawing. You may even want to set REGENAUTO off in your ACAD.DWG
drawing template so that all your drawings are created with REGENAUTO set off.
Third-Party Software
If you are having trouble with TurboDLDClassic and third-party AutoCAD applications, be sure that
the third-party application supports ADI 4.2. In order to use the ADI 4.2 specification, third-party
applications require new T-Drivers and therefore must be revised. If an application does not
specifically say that it is ADI 4.2 compatible, it probably is not. Check with the manufacturer to be
If your third-party application is ADI 4.2 compatible and you are having trouble using
TurboDLDClassic, try running AutoCAD without the third-party application to try to isolate the
problem. Also, try the third-party application with the VESA compatible driver shipped with AutoCAD.
This also helps to isolate the source of the problem.
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