DOS Drivers and Utilities
Refreshes the Big Picture to reflect the most current changes to a drawing. If the static BP is up, it is
updated. If not, the next time the BP is brought up, it contains a current representation of your
drawing, provided no changes are made between the DLDREFRESH command and the DLDBIGPIC
command. For Automatic update of the Big Picture, see the DLDBPREFRSH command above.
Displays the current TurboDLDClassic status. A listing of the current TurboDLDClassic parameters is
displayed at the AutoCAD command line. A flip to the graphics screen is recommended for this
Use DLDUSAGE if you want a to-the-byte breakdown of how memory is being used, specifically for
display list processing. DLDUSAGE returns information regarding the memory each viewport is
occupying. Since AutoCAD supports multiple viewports, it is possible to have multiple display lists.
Displays the TurboDLDClassic version, serial number and registered user's name at the AutoCAD
command line.
Toggles between the Fast Regen and Visible Regen modes of TurboDLDClassic. A Fast Regen
creates the display list and then display the drawing all at once. A Visible Regen displays the drawing
in chunks as the display list is created. This command is a dynamic form of the Regen Mode
parameter in the Expert Configuration Menu. Since TurboDLDClassic
Fast Regen mode is faster
than AutoCAD's, we highly recommend its use.
Memory Usage and Lists
TurboDLDClassic shares extended memory with AutoCAD via the PharLap Virtual Memory Manager.
This means that TurboDLDClassic automatically pages to disk if it uses up all the RAM that AutoCAD
has left for its use. See the AutoCAD Installation and Performance Guide for more information on
Virtual Memory Management.
Please note that if you start seeing excessive hard disk accesses during PANs, REDRAWs, and
ZOOMs while using AutoCAD with TurboDLDClassic, try using the DLDCOMPACT command. If this
does not affect the amount of disk access it is probably time to add more memory to your system.
Contact your AutoCAD dealer for assistance in upgrading your memory.
Regarding display list memory, it is important to realize that TurboDLDClassic speeds up AutoCAD
operations by creating a Display List in memory, and sending that list to the graphics board for pans,
zooms and redraws. But a display list takes up memory.
How Much Memory?
For production use, we recommend that at least 1 Megabyte is available for TurboDLDClassic. To
determine how much memory AutoCAD is using, use the status command while in AutoCAD (refer to
the AutoCAD Installation and Performance Guide for more information). The Display List for a simple
drawing like the shuttle Columbia might only require 20 Kbytes for the Display List. Complex drawings
may require several megabytes. We have seen Display Lists for a drawing range from one-tenth the
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