DOS Drivers and Utilities
Changes the highlight used to display the Big Picture among three modes, Patt Line, XOR Rect, and
Both. Patt Lines use dotted lines to outline the Big Picture pick box. XOR Rect use a contrasting
rectangle to highlight the pick box, and Both use a combination of Patt Lines and XOR Rect.
This convenience feature of TurboDLDClassic, toggles the Big Picture update mode. If disabled, the
BP is updated manually by issuing a DLDREFRESH command. When enabled, DLDBPREFRSH
causes the BP to refresh automatically when an object is drawn or erased. The BP operations
therefore are slower with DLDBPREFRSH enabled.
Toggles the BP to stay on the screen at all times. Use this command if you want the BP on the
screen in order to conveniently move into it whenever you want to zoom or pan. Typing
DLDBPSTATIC puts up the BP at the position you set with DLDBPDIM. Note that the static BP
disappears when other menus pop-up on the screen, and it also disappears if you draw any objects
that may overwrite the BP. With these exceptions, the BP remains on-screen until you either exit the
drawing screen or you type DLDBPSTATIC again.
Invokes CustomColors™, Panacea's color configuration program.
Forces a manual garbage collect of Display List memory thereby returning unused display list
memory back to the AutoCAD memory pool.
This command toggles the TurboDLDClassic drawing cache on and off. The Drawing Cache is a
compressed form of the current viewport which speeds pans, zooms, and redraws.
This command toggles the display list function of TurboDLDClassic on and off.
Please note that if the display list is turned off, AutoCAD runs as though you are using a standard non
display list driver - pans, zooms, and redraws are MUCH slower with DLDDLIST disabled.
Toggles internal TurboDLDClassic command echoing at the AutoCAD command line. When
TurboDLDClassic commands are executed via the digitizer or pop-up menus, they generate internal
commands which are displayed at the AutoCAD command line if DLDECHO is enabled. Disable
DLDECHO to simplify the command line.
Provides a list of TurboDLDClassic commands with one-line description of each, within AutoCAD. It's
recommended that you flip to the text screen by pressing the
key to view the output.
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