Establishing an Static ARP Table Entry for a Subscriber Unit
The Subscriber unit’s DS3 ports will not respond to an ARP request containing the
unit’s default IP address. In order to manage the Subscriber unit using web
management you must create a static ARP table entry on your PC. To build a static
ARP table entry:
Note – This procedure is not necessary if you are connecting directly to the Ethernet
ports on either the Provider or Subscriber units.
1. Get the MAC address from the bottom label of the Subscriber unit.
2. Open a command prompt. (Click on Start, and then Run. In the open window type
CMD and press Enter.) At the command line, type:
arp -s xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
where the IP address is the default address of the Subscriber unit and the MAC
address is the number on the bottom label. For example: if the MAC address on
the bottom label is 00-50-ca-01-28-86, type:
arp –s 00-50-ca-01-28-86
Once the ARP table entry is configured, you can ping and manage the unit using web
If you change the IP address to anything other than the default, the Subscriber unit
responds to ARP requests and does not require a static ARP table entry to manage it
using web management.
For security purposes you may want to turn off in-band management of the unit to
prevent a local PC from managing the unit from the Ethernet ports.