Dead Band Trim Function
This function enables the system to be adjusted so that the display reads zero, during operations
to either side of zero, where for instance an applied torque has no effect.
Setting the “dead band” must be carried out when the Subsea Display System
“User FSD” is set to +8192.
If the Subsea Display System has been calibrated and a new User FSD has been set, then a
record of the new User FSD can be taken, before setting the User FSD to +8192. Use the ‘pfs’
command at the Command Console interface (type: ‘pfs+8192’).
The value to enter for the dead band function may be obtained by operating the system that
applies Torque, for example and noting the Subsea Display reading above and below zero, where
the applied torque has no effect.
The dead band value is entered as a single number and has equal effect above and below zero.
For example if the value is 235, then type: ‘setdeadband 0235’ at the Command Console Interface.
The value is always entered as a 4 digit number.
After the dead band has been set, then if necessary the User FSD can be reset to the value
previously recorded for the calibrated Subsea Display System, by using the ‘pfs’ command at the
Command Console interface.