Zero 88 Series
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Lighting Controls
FLX lighting console
Zero 88 FLX Quick Start Guide v1.2
– Stock Code: 9850-000492-00 – Page 4 of 20
Terminology & key features
Multi-Function Faders (MFFs)
The FLX lighting console is equipped with 24 Multi-
Function Faders. These can quickly and easily be switched
between their two functions (
“Channels” and “Playbacks”)
by using the Fader Funct. button:
When set to “Channels”, the 24 faders directly control each
(or “fixture”) in the rig (this is often referred to as
“Channel per Fader”). Each fixture, no matter what it is, will
have a single
“Channel Number”, and so will take up a
single channel fader. When more than 24 channels are
present, the Page Up and Page Down buttons can be
used to navigate through all the channels in multiples of
The buttons below the faders are “select” buttons.
Playbacks (cues, stacks & submasters)
Lighting “states” (or “scenes”) can be pre-recorded, ready
to be recalled later. They are called “cues”, and are
recorded onto “playbacks”. Each playback can store a
single cue, or multiple cues. The FLX Lighting Console has
240 playbacks, and can store a total of 10,000 cues.
Traditionally, playbacks with a single cue have often been
referred to as “submasters” whereas playbacks with
multiple cues have often been referred to as “cue stacks”.
This manual will simply call them playbacks.
The button below the fa
des are “Go” buttons when in
playback mode.
Master Playback
For many shows, especially theatrical, a single playback is
often used with a long list of pre-recorded cues. For these
situations, an additional “Master Playback” is provided,
with double-width
► (play/go) button, and a dedicated
(pause) button.
User Definable Keys (UDKs)
Four UDKs are provided, and can be assigned to a range
of functionality including recalling lighting states, Groups,
Palettes, and Effects, or accessing advanced functionality
such as RemDim or Highlight.
Function keys
The five function keys to the left of the touchscreen either
perform functions themselves (like Home and View ), or
change the functionality of other buttons when pressed at
the same time (like Setup and Shift ).
Internal, external & remote monitors
The internal multi-touch screen, and an optional external
DVI-D monitor, displays the graphical interface for the FLX
lighting console. Multiple mobile devices, such as smart
phones, tablets and laptops, can also be connected
simultaneously to show additional information or to add
remote control functionality.
Grand Master & Blackout
The Grand Master fader allows you to temporarily
decrease the overall intensity of all fixtures. In normal
operation, the Grand Master should be at 100%. The
Black Out button takes all intensities to 0%, and the LED
within the button flashes when enabled.
Encoder wheels
Four encoder wheels are provided, and used for accurate
control of various settings. The settings currently being
controlled by the four encoders are displayed in the four
boxes along the bottom of the touch screen, just above the
Numeric keypad & command keys
The main keypad area is made up of a standard numeric
and a range of “command keys”, such
as Record , Update and Delete . Channels can be
controlled using either the keypad or via the faders.
Command line
Any commands that are typed into the console are
displayed in the “Command Line”. This is displayed along
the bottom of the external monitor (if present) or on the
internal display (if external monitor is not present).
Suggested commands bar
Above the command line is a “Suggested Commands Bar”
which indicates which commands are currently available.
This can be turned off if not required.
“Z” key
The Z Key places a range of quick access settings &
functions on the internal display and encoder wheels.
DMX channels & universes
The FLX lighting console can control 2048 DMX Channels.
These are
divided into four “universes”, each with 512
DMX Channels. Two of these universes can be sent out
over DMX and / or all four can be distributed over Ethernet.