B. The film back frame has a base with dark slide slit and a back cover
with an ASA/ISO film speed dial, and exposure compensation dial and
a film type indicator frame. The film back frame completely encloses
the film holder and shields it from outside light, as well as connecting
it to the main body and also coupling with finders with built-in expo-
sure meters.
A. To open the back cover, squeeze the top and bottom back cover
release buttons, in the arrow-indicated directions, at the same time
and the back cover will open.
5. Construction of Film Back (con’t)
6. Film Loading
B. It will be possible to take out the film holder, upon opening the
back cover.
C. The film holder has two spool holders, with the right one for the
fresh film spool while the left one is for the empty take-up spool. The
top spool holder is opened, as illustrated, by sliding the film (spool) in
the arrow-indicated "A" direction. The new film spool should be coin-
cided on the right-side bottom shaft, which is fixed, after which the
top spool holder should be closed to engage the spool.
* The spool holders on the top will be locked securely, when the back
cover is closed.
D. After loading the fresh film spool properly, draw out the leading
end of the film and turn it across the film pressure plate (as illustrat-
ed). Run it across and turn it over to the take-up spool. Insert the
leading end into the slit of the take-up spool and wind slightly until
securely engaged.
* The inside black surface of the leader must face out when running
across the pressure plate, in this case.