B. Turn ON the main switch and then stroke the shutter release but-
ton halfway. If the LED display in the finder lights up steadily or flick-
ers, as the case may be, the battery is loaded properly and there is
sufficient power for operation.
* If the LED display does not light up steadily or does not flicker, (1)
the battery is not loaded properly or (2) the battery is completely
drained and should be exchanged.
3. Finder Display and Battery Checking (con’t)
The film back is a film chamber that can be attached or detached freely from the main body,
thus permitting free exchange of film types, at all times. Since the main body and film back
are always fully coupled, upon connection, always turn the film winding crank completely
one time, upon attaching the film back. If winding is not possible, however, rotating the film
winding crank until it stops automatically takes care of the incomplete action, whether the
shutter is not cocked or film not advanced. This means, of course, that it's possible to
choose the film type most suited for the shot, even midway in a roll.
An ASA/ISO film speed dial and an exposure compensation dial are available on the film
backs. When used for setting the film speed of the film loaded in the film back, there is
automatic coupling when finders with built-in exposure meters are attached on the main
body. This will, of course, be very convenient when using films of different sensitivities in
the film backs.
* Make full use of film back interchangeability, in the following manner: -
1. Take full advantage of the multi-format superiority of the GS-1 and use film backs
in many different formats, which will not only give you different effects but will econ-
omize on film.
2. Take your pictures in color and black-and-white, and in different film speeds, as
3. Keep sufficient quantity of pre-loaded film backs on hand and speedy, continuous
shooting will be possible.
4. Don't waste unsuitable film used in a previous session but simply load up a new
film back with the required film type.
5. The Polaroid Film Back can be used for instant color or black-and-white pictures,
when in a rush, or used for checking composition or lighting effect, before taking the
actual picture.
* Film backs are available optionally and the type meeting the requirements of the photog-
rapher should be chosen.
4. Attachment and Removal of Film Backs