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zentro-elektrik GmbH KG
| Tel.: +49 (0) 72 32 / 3131 0 | Fax: +49 (0) 72 32 / 3131 399 | E-mail: [email protected]
TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION MODELS, type number example ZAT1600/27,4/60/T
The temp.comp cable enables the charger to adjust the
output voltage in accordance with battery voltage and
temperature fluctuations
Temp.comp. / sense
Modular connector
See instructions for changing and adjusting the output
Using master power supply together with Slave unit.
Master unit can be trimmer adjustable standard model ADC7520/24, analog controllable model ZAT1600/24/60/AI
or temp.comp. model ZAT1600/27,4/60/T (24V as an example).
Note !
Unit with relay alarm, type example ZAT1600/24/60/H can’t be used as a master unit.
Slave unit is separate unit without any adjustment possibility, type ADC7520/24S or ADC7520/24SH slave with relay
alarm (24V as an example).
If more current is needed adjustable Master power supply can be parallel or series connected via digital bus to Slave
power supply which equals Master but is without adjustment possibility. Then output current or voltage is doubled and
the both supplies can still be adjusted thought multi turn potentiometers. Max one slave unit can be used in master-slave
connection as a standard. (Please contact your local distributor if more slave units are needed to chain, needs special
terminals/wires). Supply’s output terminals and communication bus terminals are isolated so that output's series
connection is allowed for more voltage.
Bus cable connection:
Master unit
Slave unit
Bus cables can be connected from
previous units (J5) to the next (J5)
with the same way. The first unit
must be the master unit (with
adjusting knobs). Wrong connection
does not damage the units but in that
case slaves does not follow the
master's commands. Quantity of the
slave units is limited to max 1 pcs
due to digital bus terminals. In J5
Pins 1 and 3 are serial output pins
and pins 2 and 4 are serial input pins.
Pin 1 is connected to pin 4 of J5 in
the next unit and pin 3 to pin 2 of J5
in the next unit.