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zentro-elektrik GmbH KG
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Analog control option allows full control for output current and voltages and it gives measured values for both of these.
There is also ava5V internal power source for logic use. The analog input have 500V electrical insulation to
power supply’s input and output.
Interface to analog control card is made through AMP Modular 6 connector. It’s part number is 215-876-1. The product
specification number is 108-19064 and application number is 114-19019. Part number for cable connector that fits to
modular 1 is 737 336-1.
Pin configuration of J1:
1. Ground
2. Target value for current
3. Target value for voltage
4. Measured value for current
5. Measured value for voltage
6. +5V, (max 20mA) output
Controlling analog card:
All control voltages must be between 0 and 5 volts. Over 5V steering is not allowed. Logic for steering is positive so 5V
in target value means maximum value from power supply and 0V means minimum output. If controlling connector is
unplugged from modular connector, the power supply takes it’s minimum values for output.
Measured values can be read from measured signals. Measured voltages are scaled equal as target values. If power supply
lies on it’s voltage reference, then measured voltage should be equal as target. Same thing on current steering and it’s
measured value. Measured signals (both together) can be loaded only 20mA or proper operation is not guaranteed.
Modular connector is isolated from power supply’s input, enclosure and output terminals. That allows serial and parallel
connection to separate power supply’s so that equal steering voltages are used. Number or connected devices are not
limited. Only be sure that 500V insulation voltage is not exceeded.
Connection example, using in5VDC power source and external potentiometers:
+5V output can be used to feed logic
voltages for external circuits. Connection in
an example works as a potentiometer
controlled power supply. It is important to
notice that +5V output is not allowed to load
more then 20mA or proper operation is not
Rear panel
Location of tuning trimmers for analog control
Tuning instructions:
Attention !!!
Analog interface is tuned in a factory before it is delivered to customer. There should
not be any reason for tuning if card is used between 0-5V voltage values. Qualified
person is needed for tuning the device. Tuning can be done with a pair of digital multi
meters and example schematic above. Procedure is following:
Adjust from potentiometers 5V to voltage target and 2V for current target. Connect digital voltage meter to
power supply output. Tune from “Voltage Set” trimmer maximum output voltage to right value.
Connect digital voltage meter to Modular pin number 5. Tune from trimmer “Voltage Meas” so that digital
voltage meter shows always equal value as is in pin 3 (target voltage).
Connect digital current meter to output so that it short-circuits the output. Now tune current target
potentiometer to 5V. Tune from “Current Set” trimmer output current to value that is maximum value for
device according to it’s specification. Be sure that your current meter has a right range. Do never exceed the
current values that are specified for the device. If specified value is not known, take a contact to distributor.
Measure with digital multi meter voltage from Modular connector pin 4 Tune from trimmer ”Current Meas”
to equal with voltage in modular pin 2 (Target Current).