094-F AFC_COMP: HV fluctuation compensation
amount setting for H position. Range: 0-7, Ini-
tial value: 0.
097-F RST-SW
098-F HSMASK: Sets whether or not to add HSYNC
within VSYNC at SELHOUT. 1= Do not add HSYNC.
099-F VTC: Sets the vertical sync separation
time constant. 3=13us.
100-F HWIDTH: Sets the SELH OUT output pulse
width. 2=1.7us.
101-F HFREQ: Select the frequency of the dummy
sync output to SELHOUT. 1=31.25Khz.
102-F HPOLM: Horizontal polarity in HINP. De-
fault value is 2 (Auto detect polarity).
103-F COMBUSEM: Comb filter usage CD1.
104-F CRCBM: Choice of UV or Cb Cr output.
2=modified Cr Cb color space.
105-F YCSELM: Y/C select among composite video
and s-video inputs.
106-F NOSIGBM: No signal behavior. 0=noisy screen
when out of sync.
107-F CLMPST1M: Measure pulse start for ADC1.
108-F CHRFM: Select Chroma bandwidth.
109-F PLLTCM: Time constant HPLL (VCR...TV) De-
fault value in 0 (very fast).
110-F COMBM: Delay line. 1=Do not use delay
111-F CKILLM: Chroma level for Color off.
112-F YCDELM AUX: The between Y and C is well
aligned and can also be adjusted in steps of 50
ns for Aux video inputs.
113-F NSREDM: Fine-tuning of the PLL time con-
stant can be done.
114-F LPCDELM: Window shift for fine error cal-
culation. Default value in 0 (no offset).
115-F HUEM: Tint control for NTSC signals.
116-F AGCMDM: AGC behavior can be chosen from
four possible modes.
117-F AGCADJ1M: Automatic gain adjustment ADC1.
118-F CLMPST1SM: Measure pulse duration for ADC1
119-F CLMPHIGHM: Vertical end of clamping pulse.
Default value is 255 (Line 766).
120-F CLMPLOWM: Vertical start of clamping pulse.
Default value is 3 (Line 6)
121-F VDETIFSM: Vertical sync detection slop,
0=Normal, 1=slow. Default value in 1.
122-F CLMPD1SM: Clamping pulse duration for ADC1
123-F ISHFTM: Adjustment for horizontal PLL.
124-F NOTCHOFFM: Luminance notch filter 0=en-
abled and 1=bypassed 053-F TNOTCHOFFM: Default
value is 0.
125-F TNOTCHOFFM: Luminance notch-filter.
126-F NTCHSELM: Luminance notch selection. 3=broad
127-F TRAPBLUM: Notch frequency for 4.250Mhz.
128-F TRAPREDM: Notch frequency for 4.406Mhz.
0=4.406Mhz, 057-F COMBUSEM: Default value is 2
129-F PIXPLINM: Pixels per line slave channel.
0=defined by DISPMODE Y Pr Pb IC VSP9405.
130-F WRPOSXM: Horizontal position of master pic-
ture in the memory. 0=left border position.
131-F WRPOSYM: Vertical position of master pic-
ture in the memory. 0=Upper border position.
132-F FMSYN: Synchronization of film mode sig-
nal. 0=no delay.
133-F FMSYNUNS: Synchronization of film mode sig-
nal. 0=no delay.
134-F YUVMAT: YUV color matriz. 0= Y Cr Cb.
135-F TINT: Tint control for YUV input.
136-F RDPOSXM_L: Horizontal read position mas-
137-F RDPOSXM_H: Default value is 0.