background image






It is difficult to take the bread out 

of the baking tin.

The bottom of the total is stuck to 

the kneading peg.

Clean the kneading peg and shaft before the next time you bake bread. 

If necessary, fill the container with warm water and leave for 30 minutes. 

This way the kneading pegs can be easily removed and cleaned.

The ingredients are not mixed or 

the bread is not baked properly.

Incorrect program setting.

Check the selected menu and other settings.

The START/STOP button was 

pressed while the machine was 


Do not use the ingredients and start the whole process again.

The lid opened several times 

while the machine was working.

The lid can only be opened if the time left on the display is more than 


Make sure the lid was closed properly.

Long blackout while the machine 

was working.

Do not use the ingredients and start the whole process again.

The rotation of the kneading 

pegs is blocked.

Check if the kneading pegs are not blocked by for example grains, etc. 

Pull out the baking tin and check if the drivers turn. If this is not the 

case, return the appliance to a service point.

The appliance does not start. 

The audible signal goes off. The 

display shows the symbol E01.

The appliance is still hot after the 

previous baking process.

Press and hold the START/STOP button until the normal program code 

appears on the display. Unplug the appliance. Take out the baking 

tin and leave to cool at room temperature. Plug in and restart the 


The appliance does not start. 

The audible signal goes off. The 

display shows the symbol E00.

Temperature in the 

baking chamber is too low 

(below -10°C).

If this occurs, unplug the unit from the mains socket and allow it to reach 

room temperature. The unit cannot operate at a temperature below -10°C.

The appliance does not start. 

The audible signal goes off. The 

display shows the symbol “HHH”.

Program or electronic error.

Start the test run. Press and hold the menu button, unplug the appliance 

and then plug it in again. Release the button. The appliance will perform 

a test run. Unplug the appliance again. The normal program code “1P” 

should appear on the display. If this is not the case, return the appliance 

to a service point.

The display shows the symbol 


Program or electronic error.

Please proceed according to the description above.


Ready-made bread mixtures available 

in shops can be especially used in the 





Water or milk

Margarine or butter



Flour type 550

Dry yeast

300 ml

1 ½ tablespoon

1 teaspoon

1 tablespoon

540 g

1 teaspoon



Margarine or butter



Flour type 550

Dry yeast

300 ml

1 ½ tablespoon

1 teaspoon

2 tablespoons

540 g

1 teaspoon

Program: BASIC

Program: BASIC or FRENCH





Water or milk

Margarine or butter



Flour type 500

Dry yeast


Crushed nuts

350 ml

1 ½ tablespoon

1 teaspoon

2 tablespoons

540 g

1 teaspoon

100 g

3 tablespoons




Flour type 550


Sunflower seeds



Dry yeast

350 ml

1 tablespoon

540 g

5 tablespoons

1 teaspoon

1 tablespoon

1 teaspoon


Water or milk

Margarine or butter



Flour type 550

Whole wheat flour

7-grain flakes

Dry yeast

300 ml

1 ½ tablespoon

1 teaspoon

2 ½ tablespoon

240 g

240 g

60 g

1 teaspoon

Program: BASIC

Add raisins and nuts after the first acoustic 

signal or after the first kneading cycle.

Program: BASIC

Tip: Sunflower seeds can be replaced with 

pumpkin seeds. Toast the seeds in a frying 

pan to give them a more intense flavor.


When using whole grains, soak them first.

Summary of Contents for 43z011-001

Page 1: ...a znaki ostrzegawcze itp Nie myj metalowych cz ci w zmywarkach Agresywne rodki czyszcz ce stosowane w tych urz dzeniach powoduj ciemnienie w w cz ci Myj je r cznie z u y ciem tradycyjnych p yn w do my...

Page 2: ...kowy W takim przypadku przytrzymaj przycisk START STOP do momentu gdy komu nikat E01 zniknie z wy wietlacza i pojawi si na nim usta wienie podstawowe Nast pnie wyjmij pojemnik do wypieku i poczekaj a...

Page 3: ...ndy do momentu gdy rozlegnie si sygna d wi kowy Nast pnie wci nij przycisk BAKE ONLY Gdy dany poziom przyrumienienia zosta nie osi gni ty zatrzymaj proces przytrzymuj c przez oko o 3 sekundy przycisk...

Page 4: ...k do wypieku i odczekaj a wystygnie i osi gnie temperatur pokojow Nast pnie pod cz urz dzenie do sieci elektrycznej i ponownie w cz Urz dzenie nie w cza si W cza si sygna d wi kowy Na wy wietlaczu poj...

Page 5: ...i Woda lub mleko Margaryna lub mas o S l Cukier Du a posiekana cebula M ka typu 550 Suche dro d e 250 ml 1 y ka sto owa 1 y eczka 2 y ki sto owe 1 szt 540 g 1 y eczka Sk adniki Woda lub mleko Margaryn...

Page 6: ...uktura chleba lub zbyt du o otwor w w chlebie Zbyt du a ilo wody g Brak soli b Du a wilgotno zbyt gor ca woda h i Zbyt du o p ynu c Nieupieczona g bczasta powierzchnia Obj to chleba jest zbyt du a wzg...

Page 7: ...T Zakwas mo na zast pi fermentem do wypieku R nica b dzie zauwa alna wy cznie w smaku Ferment nadaje si do stosowania w urz dzeniu do wypieku chleba Do ciasta mo na dodawa otr by pszenne aby chleb by...

Page 8: ...czenia Efekty pieczenia zale od panuj cych warunk w twar do ci wody wilgotno ci powietrza wysoko ci konsysten cji sk adnik w itp Z tego wzgl du przepisy powinny s u y raczej jako odniesienie kt re mo...

Page 9: m e b t vy v okam iku kdy je p stroj v provozu Ponechte p stroj vychladnout p ed proveden m demont e a p ed i t n m P stroj je vybaven tepeln izolovan m krytem Kovov sti p stroje se v pr b hu provo...

Page 10: ...inou mo e v dob kdy lze pr ci p stroje pozorovat a ujist te se e suroviny byly pou ity v po adovan m pom ru t sto nen p li hust nebo dk a mno stv t sta nen p li velk a t sto se z p stroj nevyl v Po uk...

Page 11: ...i se objev nejprve pozice zvolen ho programu Chcete li pou it jin program zvolte jej tla tkem MENU Funkce p stroje FUNKCE BZU KU Bzu k se zap n Po zm knut programovac ch tla tek B hem dlouh ho m ch n...

Page 12: ...p pad je li pokojov teplota ni ne 25 C Je li pokojov teplota vy ne 25 C slo ky maj odpov daj c teplotu a oh v n nen nutn i t n a dr ba P ed prvn m pou it m p stroje d kladn umyj n dobu na pe en a m ch...

Page 13: ...n te cel postup znova Ot en m chac ch lopatek je zablokov no Ov te zda m chac lopatky nebyly zablokov ny obilkami apod Vyjm te pe ic n dobu a ov te zda d ly pohonu se ot ej V opa n m p pad je p stroj...

Page 14: ...en Voda nebo ml ko Margar n nebo m slo S l Cukr Velk nakr jen cibule Mouka polohrub sv tl Such dro d 250 ml 1 pol vkov l ce 1 l i ka 2 pol vkov l ce 1 ks 540 g 1 l i ka Slo en Voda nebo ml ko Margar n...

Page 15: ...chleba nebo p li mnoho otvor ve chleb P li velk mno stv vody g Chyb s l b Vysok vlhkost p li hork voda h i P li mnoho tekutin c Neupe en houbovit povrch Objem chleba je p li velk oproti n dob a f P l...

Page 16: m stupnici roz d lenou od 30 do 300 ml P id v n ovoce o ech nebo obilovin Slo ky lze p id vat u jednotliv ch program po zazn n zvukov ho sig n lu Jsou li slo ky p id ny p li brzdy budou v pr b hu m...

Page 17: sb ren PE k op tn mu zu itkov n Po ukon en ivotnosti spot ebi zlikvidujte prost ednictv m k tomu ur en ch recykla n ch st edisek Pokud m b t spot ebi definitivn vy azen z provozu doporu uje se po o...

Page 18: ...o povrchu Pri vyberan zo zariadenia n doby na pe enie spolu s upe en m chle bom pou vajte peci lne rukavice alebo l tku zabezpe uj ce proti pop leniu preto e n doba a chlieb s ve mi hor ce Nedot kajte...

Page 19: ...e prostriedky na um vanie riadu Pou vanie pr slu enstva in ho ako odpor an v robcom m e po kodi zariadenie Chlieb sa m e vznieti preto zariadenie nikdy nepou vajte v bl zkosti hor av ch predmetov aleb...

Page 20: ...lo te pe iacu n dobu Pe iaca n doba je povrchovo upraven nepri navou vrstvou Umiestnite n dobu presne v strede podstavca vo vn tri zariadenia Jemn stla enie strednej asti n doby zapr in zapadnutie pru...

Page 21: n dobu a obr te ju 16 Ak chlieb nechce vypadn z n doby nieko kokr t jemne potraste n dobou a k m chlieb nevypadne Ak hneta ostane vo vn tri chleba m ete opatrne rozreza bochn k a vybra hneta von M...

Page 22: ...ov je znemo nen Skontrolujte i hneta e sa nezasekli semienkami a pod Vytiahnite pe iacu n dobu a overte i hnacie prvky rotuj V opa nom pr pade zariadenie odovzdajte do servisu Zariadenie sa nezap na...

Page 23: ...lebo maslo So Cukor Ve k posekan cibu a M ka typu 550 Such dro die 250 ml 1 PL 1 ly i ka 2 PL 1 ks 540 g 1 ly i ka Zlo enie Voda alebo mlieko Margar n alebo maslo Vajcia So Cukor M ka typu 550 P en ce...

Page 24: ...cept s pou it m vlhk ch zlo iek napr jogurtu g Drsn trukt ra chleba alebo pr li ve a p rov v chlebe Pr li ve k mno stvo tekutiny g Ch ba so b Ve k vlhkos pr li hor ca voda h i Pr li ve a tekut n c Neu...

Page 25: ...pripojenou ly icou na odmeriavanie alebo ly icami pou van mi v dom cnosti ak recepty uv dzaj mno stv v polievkov ch ly iciach alebo ajov ch ly i k ch Treba presne odmeriava zlo ky uv dzan v gramoch Ak...

Page 26: ...Vreck z polyetyl nu PE PE HD PE LD odovzdajte do zberne PE na op tovn zu itkovanie Po ukon en ivotnosti spotrebi zlikvidujte prostredn ctvom na to ur en ch recykla n ch stred sk Ak m by pr stroj defi...

Page 27: ...indig hasz n ljon ed nyfog keszty t vagy h ll ruh t mert a s t forma s a keny r forr Soha ne rjen hozz a k sz l k forr fel leteihez Ed nyfog kesz ty t haszn ljon A k sz l k m k d s k zben felforr sodi...

Page 28: ...latt Ne h zza ki a vill s csatlakoz t a vezet kn l fogva a konnektorb l Ak sz l k csakis h ztart sbeli haszn latra alkalmas maxi m lisan 2000 m teres tengerszint feletti magass gban Ne haszn ljon nagy...

Page 29: ...rma fog j t A s t sfolyamat befejez se ut n a fog forr Az ed nyfog keszty haszn lata aj nlatos 2 Helyezze be a dagaszt t Nyomja be a dagaszt t a s t form ban tal lhat hajt ten gelyre B 3 Adja az alkot...

Page 30: ...a s t form b l Ha a dagaszt bennemaradt a keny rben fel lehet v gni a cip t s kivenni bel le a dagasz t t Haszn lhatja a kamp t is a kever lap t kiemel s hez Felmeleg t s a keleszt s c lj b l A k sz l...

Page 31: ...ezdje el a s t sfolyamatot ugyanazokat az alkot elemeket ne haszn lja A dagaszt k nem mozdulnak Ellen rizze hogy a magvak stb nem okozz k e a dagaszt k g tol s t Vegye ki a s t form t s ellen rizze ho...

Page 32: ...hagyma 550 t pus liszt Sz r tott leszt 250 ml 1 ev kan l 1 te skan l 2 ev kan l 1 nagy darab 540 g 1 te skan l Alkot elemek V z vagy tej Margarin vagy vaj Toj s S Cukor 550 t pus liszt Korp s b zalis...

Page 33: ...nagy a nedvess g c h i Nincs benne s vagy nincs el g a cukor a b T l sok a folyad k h A keny r vastag csom s T l sok a liszt vagy nincs el g a folyad k a b g Nincs el g leszt vagy cukor a b T l sok a...

Page 34: ...g t maxim lisan 1 5 vel A rozsliszt haszn lata eset n erjeszt haszn lata aj n latos Az erjeszt tejet valamint ecetbakt riumokat tartal maz ameleyek k nnyebb teszik a kenyeret s ennek r szletes erjed...

Page 35: ...cs kkenteni az leszt mennyis g t 1 4 1 2 te skan llal gy hogy a t sztakel s ar nyosan cs kkenjen Ugyanez azokra a helyekre vonatkozik ahol a csapv z k l n sen l gy 3 Az alkot elemek hozz ad sa s kim r...

Page 36: ...eun cu p inea coapt folosi i m nu i speciale sau o bucat de material care s v pro tejeze mpotriva arsurilor pentru c vasul i p inea sunt foarte fierbin i Nu atinge i suprafe ele fierbin i ale aparatul...

Page 37: ...produc tor pot provoca deteriorarea aparatului P inea poate s se ard de aceea nu folosi i aparatul de copt p ine n apropierea materialelor inflamabile sau sub materiale inflamabile cum ar fi perdelele...

Page 38: ...ramul BAKE ONLY poate s nceap n orice moment chiar i atunci c nd aparatul este nc lzit Func ionarea iutilizareaaparatului 1 Introduce i vasul pentru coacere Vasul pentru coacere este acoperit cu un st...

Page 39: ...ul i nu l deschide i p n la ncheierea coacerii p inii Fotografiile urm resc doar s prezinte fazele coacerii p inii 13 nfierb ntarea Dup ncheierea programului se activeaz semnalizatorul sonor care semn...

Page 40: ...p ultimul proces de coacere Ap sa i i ine i ap sat butonul START STOP p n c nd pe display apare codul normal de program Deconecta i aparatul de la re eaua electric Scoate i vasul din aparatul de copt...

Page 41: ...ngrediente Ap sau lapte Margarin sau unt Sare Zah r O ceap mare t iat F in de tip 550 Drojdie uscat 250 ml 1 lingur mare 1 linguri 2 linguri mari 1 buc 540 g 1 linguri Ingrediente Ap sau lapte Margari...

Page 42: ...raturii prea ridicate din compartimentul de coacere sau din umidit ii excesive c h i Lipsa s rii sau zah rul n cantitate insuficient a b Prea mult lichid h P inea e grea grun uroas Prea mult f in i pr...

Page 43: ...ic ora i cantitatea de f in i lichid cu maximum o cincime mai pu in Drojdia natural este absolut necesar c nd se folose te f in de secar Con ine lapte i bacterii de o et care fer menteaz corespunz tor...

Page 44: jum tate de linguri pentru a sc dea n mod propor ional cre terea aluatului La fel se procedeaz atunci c nd se folose te o ap cu o duritate extrem de mic 3 Ad ugarea im surareacantit iideingredient...

Page 45: ...49 43Z011 001_v06 Zelmer 8 8 8 RU...

Page 46: ...50 43Z011 001_v06 2000 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A...

Page 47: ...ED 1P 1 Basic P o H L 3 00 0 00 14 START STOP 15 DELAY TIMER 16 CRUST 17 MENU 18 CRUST OFF CRUST ON 5 40 C START STOP E01 START STOP E01 BAKE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 MENU Basic Rapid Sweet French Yeast free...


Page 49: ...53 43Z011 001_v06 START STOP 1 30 30...

Page 50: ...START STOP E00 10 C 10 C HHH MENU 1P EEE K M M 550 300 1 1 1 540 1 M M 550 300 1 1 2 540 1 BASIC BASIC FRENCH M M 500 350 1 1 2 c 540 1 100 3 Ma M 550 350 1 540 5 1 1 1 M M 550 7 300 1 1 2 240 240 60...

Page 51: ...540 1 M C M 550 300 1 1 1 2 360 180 1 M 500 275 90 1 1 300 150 BASIC WHOLE WHEAT DELAY TIMER FRENCH Ma M M 550 300 1 1 1 1 1 1 540 1 M M 550 300 1 1 1 540 1 M 500 300 1 450 2 1 BASIC DOUGH 2 4 30 40...

Page 52: ...56 43Z011 001_v06 a f c h i a b h f c a b g a b b e a b g h g g b h i c a f f a b a b b j g i a b c d e f g 1 2...

Page 53: ...57 43Z011 001_v06 h i 15 j 1 Ma 20 40 60 1 5 15 1 1 100 1 80 1 M BASIC WHOLE WHEAT 500 2 10 1 750...

Page 54: ...58 43Z011 001_v06 PE Mo 1 4 1 2 3 30 300 4...

Page 55: ...59 43Z011 001_v06 Zelmer 8 8 8 BG...

Page 56: ...60 43Z011 001_v06 2000 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A...

Page 57: ...H L 3 00 0 00 14 START STOP 15 DELAY TIMER 16 CRUST 17 MENU 18 CRUST OFF CRUST ON 5 40 C START STOP E01 START STOP E01 BAKE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 MENU Basic Rapid Sweet French Yeast free 750 Whole wheat D...

Page 58: ...62 43Z011 001_v06 L LIGHT LCD P H L 8 DELAY TIMER 10 13 9 START STOP CRUST OFF CRUST ON START STOP 3 START STOP MENU 10 11 12 BAKE ONLY START STOP 3 BAKE ONLY 3 START STOP 13 14 15 16 Mo 25 C 25 C 10...

Page 59: ...63 43Z011 001_v06 30 30 START STOP 1 30 E01 START STOP...

Page 60: ...540 1 550 300 1 1 2 540 1 BASIC BASIC FRENCH 500 350 1 1 2 540 1 100 3 550 350 1 540 5 1 1 1 550 7 300 1 1 2 240 240 60 1 BASIC 1 BASIC WHOLE WHEAT 550 250 1 1 2 1 540 1 550 300 1 1 1 2 360 180 1 500...

Page 61: ...5 43Z011 001_v06 550 300 1 1 1 1 1 1 540 1 550 300 1 1 1 540 1 500 300 1 450 2 1 BASIC DOUGH 2 4 30 40 DOUGH 10 20 a b a b e c d e a b g a b f c a f c h i a b h a b g a b b e a b g h g a f f a b a b b...

Page 62: ...66 43Z011 001_v06 a b c d e f g 1 2 h i 15 j 1 20 40 60 1 5 15 1 1 100 1 80 1 BASIC WHOLE WHEAT g b h i c j g i...

Page 63: ...67 43Z011 001_v06 30 300 4 500 2 750 3...

Page 64: ...68 43Z011 001_v06 Zelmer 8 8 UA...

Page 65: ...69 43Z011 001_v06 2000 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A...

Page 66: ...1 Basic P H L 3 00 0 00 14 START STOP 15 DELAY TIMER 16 CRUST 17 MENU 18 CRUST OFF CRUST ON 5 40 C START STOP E01 i START STOP E01 i BAKE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 MENU Basic Rapid Sweet French Yeast free 750...


Page 68: ...72 43Z011 001_v06 i 30 i i 30 START STOP 1 30 i E01 START STOP i E00 10 C 10 C HHH a 1P...

Page 69: ...100 3 550 350 1 540 5 1 1 1 550 7 300 1 1 2 240 240 60 1 BASIC 1 BASIC WHOLE WHEAT 550 250 1 1 2 1 540 1 550 300 1 1 1 2 360 180 1 500 275 90 1 1 300 150 BASIC WHOLE WHEAT DELAY TIMER FRENCH 550 300...

Page 70: ...74 43Z011 001_v06 a b a b e c d e a b g a b f c i a f c h i a b h a b g a b b e a b g h h h b h i C a f F a b a b I B j g i a b c d e f...

Page 71: ...75 43Z011 001_v06 g 1 2 h i 15 j 1 i 20 40 i 60 i 1 5 15 1 1 100 1 80 1 i BASIC WHOLE WHEAT i 500 i i a 2 i i 750...

Page 72: ...76 43Z011 001_v06 3 a 30 300 4 i 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Page 73: ...JIMAS Nesilaikymas gali sukelti pa eidimus prietais gali naudoti vaikai kuriems yra bent 8 metai ir silpnesni fizini protini geb jim bei neturin tys patirties ir prietaiso nei manan tys asmenys jeigu...

Page 74: ...imti VALDYMO PANELIS 13 LED displ jus jame matoma informacija apie pasi rinkt program laik likus iki programos pabaigos bei duonos skrudimo laipsnis Displ juje pasirodo simbolis 1P ir suskamb s garso...

Page 75: baltai kvietinei ir ruginei duonai kepti SWEET SALDUS PYRAGAS Saldiems pyragams ant raugo kepti B FRENCH PRANC ZI KAS PYRAGAS Labai lengvai baltai duonai kepti YEAST FREE duona be mieli Duonos kepa...

Page 76: ...galima laikas nuo laiko pakartoti Prie valym ir prietaiso pad jim palaukite kol jis atv s Prie nauj minkymo ir kepimo proces prietaisas turi v sti apie pus valandos Prie valym i junkite prietais i ele...

Page 77: ...stas prietaiso testas V l i junkite prietais i elektros tinklo Displ juje turi pasirodyti normalus programos kodas 1P Prie ingu atveju prietais atiduokite servis Displ juje pasirodo u ra as EEE Progra...

Page 78: ...omas auk tas 450 g 2 auk teliai 1 auk telis BASIC programa DOUGH programa Po te los minkymo proceso padalinkite j 2 4 dalis suformuokite ilgus kepaliukus ir palikite 30 40 minu i Keliose vietose skers...

Page 79: ...h ilto oro atveju nenaudoti laikma io funkcijos Reikia naudoti v sius skys ius i Duon i imti i kepimo formos i kart po i kepimo prie j pjaustant palikti atv sti ma iausiai 15 minu i j Reikia suma int...

Page 80: ...kad gal tum te kontroliuoti ingredient kiek Jeigu te la yra ruo iama vietoje kuri yra labai auk tai vir 750 metr ji kils grei iau Tuomet galima auk telio suma inti mieli kiek taip kad atitinkamai sum...

Page 81: ...termoizol jo u apvalku Ier ces met la da as iesilst darbo an s laik Piev rsiet pa u uzman bu p rvieto jot ier ci pa i ja iek atrodas kar stas vielas BRIESMAS BR DIN JUMS Neiev ro ana var izrais t ieva...

Page 82: ...nas kamera 9 Vad bas panelis AKSESU RI 10 M r anas karote 11 M r anas konteiners 12 is mais anas l psti as iz em anai VAD BAS PANELIS 13 R d t js LCD r da inform ciju par izv l tu prog rammu laiku l d...

Page 83: ...zes tras sagatavo anai Sweet sald maize Piem sald s m klas sagatavo anai ar raugu French fran u m kla B Balt s pa i maigas maizes sagatavo anai Yeast free maize bez ieraugiem Maizes klaipu ar svaru 75...

Page 84: ...egumdro u sl ni o darb bu var atk rtot vienreiz uz k du laiku Pagaidiet l dz ier ce atdzisusi pirms t r anas un saglab anas Pirms n kam m c anas un cep anas procesa ier cei j dziest apm ram pusstundu...

Page 85: ...elektronisk k da S ciet ier ces p rbaudi Ar o m r i nospie ot un turot pogu menu atvienojiet ier ci no elektrot kla un p c tam v lreiz to piesl dziet Atlaidiet pogu Tiks paveikta ier ces p rbaude V l...

Page 86: ...tes 450 g 2 karotes 1 karote Programma BASIC Programma DOUGH P c m klas veido anas sadaliet to 2 4 da s izveidojiet garus klaipus un atst jiet 30 40 min u laikam Diagon li iegrieziet m klu un atst jie...

Page 87: ...s recept J samazina sast vda u daudzums pa 14 f J samazina pievienota idruma daudzums Ja lietoja mas sast vda as kas satur deni tad piem roti j sama zina idruma daudzums g oti mitra laika gad jum j pi...

Page 88: ...rgl zi ar idruma raugu un pilnveidojiet ar cit m sast vda m piem rotos daudzumos p c receptes Kvie u raugs ir bie k p rdots saus form Tas uzlabo m klas apstr d jam bu t s svaigumu un gar u Tas ir ar...

Page 89: ...ik eriti kui selle sisu on kuum OHTLIK HOIATUS Eiramine p hjustab vigastusi Seda seadet v ivad kasutada v he malt 8 aastased lapsed ning samuti f silise ja vaimse v i puudega ini mesed v i kogemuste j...

Page 90: ...islaba 8 K psetuspesa 9 Juhtpaneel TARVIKUD 10 M telusikas 11 M dun u 12 Konks segamislaba eemaldamiseks JUHTPANEEL 13 LED n idik n itab teavet valitud programmi k pseta mise l puni j nud aja ja leiva...

Page 91: ...psetiste kiireks valmistami seks Sweet magusad k psetised Magusa p rmitaina valmistamiseks B French lehttainas Kergete heledate k psetiste valmistamiseks Yeast free ilma p rmita k psetised 750 g p ts...

Page 92: ...tiku abil T nu sellisele t tlusele s ilib taina nakkumisvastane kiht Seda tegevust v ib aeg ajalt korrata Enne puhastamist v i hoiule panemist oodake kuni seade jahtub maha Enne j rjekordset s tkumis...

Page 93: ...elektriv rgust v lja vajutades ja hoides men nuppu all ning l litage siis uuesti sisse Laske nupp lahti Toimub seadme testimine L litage seade uuesti elektriv rgust v lja N idikule peaks ilmuma taval...

Page 94: ...usikas Programm BASIC Programm DOUGH P rast taina valmimist jagage see 2 4 osaks vormige pikad p tsid ja j tke 30 40 minutiks seisma Tehke tainale pikil iked ja asetage praeahju Programm DOUGH P rast...

Page 95: ...e v rra f V hendage lisatud vedeliku kogust Kui kasutate vett sisaldavaid koostisaineid siis v hendage vastavalt vee kogust g V ga niiske ilma korral lisage 1 2 supilusikat it v hem vett h V ga sooja...

Page 96: ...elike asendamine Juhul kui kasutatav koostisaine sisaldab oma koostises vedelikku nt kohupiim jogurt jne tuleb lisatava vedeliku kogust v hendada Munade lisamisel tuleb nad l a m dun usse ja t ita see...

Page 97: ...d above and persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a saf...

Page 98: ...until the end of the program and the bread browning level The symbol 1P will show on the display and you will hear a beep Number 1 indicates the default program Basic The letter P indicates the brown...

Page 99: ...gram Rapid For a fast preparation of white wheat and rye bread Sweet sweet bread B For preparing sweet leavened dough French For the preparation of particularly light white bread Yeast free For the kn...

Page 100: them for the first time and let them heat in the oven for about 10 minutes After cooling down remove the fat from the baking tin using a paper towel Thanks to this operation the non stick coating w...

Page 101: ...ure The unit cannot operate at a temperature below 10 C The appliance does not start The audible signal goes off The display shows the symbol HHH Program or electronic error Start the test run Press a...

Page 102: ...rts form long loaf shapes and leave them to rest for about 30 40 minutes Make a series of diagonal cuts on the top surface and put the bread to bake in the oven Program DOUGH After the kneading proces...

Page 103: ...warm weather do not use the timing function Use cool liquids i Take the bread out of the tin immediately after baking and leave to rest for at least 15 minutes before cutting j Reduce the amount of y...

Page 104: ...freshness and taste It is also milder than rye leaven Use the NORMAL or WHOLE WHEAT program when baking leavened bread You can replace leaven with baking ferment The only difference is in the taste Y...
