RCF Microscopy Manual
Authors Cory Nook and Chaowei Shang
Page 19 of 19
Apotome Power Supply (Yellow Label #4)
Microscope (Yellow Label #3)
Microscope Power Supply (Yellow Label #2)
HBO (mercury) Lamp Power Supply (Yellow Label #1)
Cover the microscope (except for any hot parts)
If you are experiencing any technical issues or errors, please save the corresponding file into the D drive under
the folder labeled “Technical Issues and Errors”. After you have saved this file, please fill out an error log
located on a clip board next to the computer. Please contact the research associate as well to ensure the
problem is not overlooked and fixed as soon as possible.
Sometimes you are not able to save a file but encounter an error which cannot be saved. You will have to take
a screen shot which can be accomplished by pressing the “PrtScn/SysRq” button next to the F12 key. You will
then need to open a Paint application located in the Accessories folder of the Programs folder. After you have
opened a blank Paint document, click on “Edit” at the top of the window and select “Paste” from the drop
down menu. This should paste the screen shot and you will be able to save this to the folder mentioned in the
previous paragraph.
Problems that you may encounter are listed below:
If you are able to see cells with the microscope but cannot see anything when you click measure in the
multidimentional acquisition window. Make sure you have switched from the eye mode to the
camera mode.
When the Apotome gives you a message “apotome not found”, it maybe that the software was turned
on before the Apotome and microscope was turned on. Try to restart the software.
When you are given the message “Apotome not caliberated” in red, turn on a laser first (e.g. DAPI), and
apotome may show as “caliberated” in green.
When your image cannot get focused, check if your slides are properly placed in the bracket. (slides
may be pushed up by objectives).
If you find your adjustment sliding bars (under property) are in grey, check if you clicked off the pseudo
color of the image. The adjustment sliding bars are only activated when the pseudo colors are off.