3. Web Management System
C h a p t e r 3
Web Management System
Login to GS8 Web Server with IE browser (1024*768 recommended) and make configurations
like this:
Open IE browser and enter IP address in the address field.
GS8 has a default address: If the default address has been changed, gain it like
below: ( if you can not login, see 3.1.1 change GS8's IP address)
Dail “***” and input password "23646" when you hear the dialing tone of AA after calling
in through FXO port of GS8, and the equipment will show you the IP address. the
SpreeCode and password used here are default, you may change them on the page of
AA at
Call Settings-System Settings
after loging into the web management system.
Or Press Reset button for 6 seconds and reset the configurations to the factory default
(including the IP address recovered to default ).
The Reset button will reset all configurations, not only the IP address.
Input user name and password in the pop-up window. ( see figure 3-1)