Zebra™ Dazzle™ Sump Level Controller
If you have questions or require product support, please call 888.249.4855.
1 Sump Controller Unit
2 Sump Level Sensor
3 Sump Level Sensor low voltage cable
4 Solenoid valve
5 Solenoid low voltage cable
6 Power cable
Mounting the Level Sensor and Solenoid Valve
Mount the Sump Controller unit so that the programming button (shown in Figure 1) is located at the
bottom of the unit and the unit is level. Screws or bolts can be used to secure the enclosure through
the mounting holes on the top and bottom flanges.
Mount the Sump Level sensor (item #2 in Figure 2) so the relief holes (Figure 3) are above the sump
fluid level. Secure the placement to prevent the sensor’s position from changing. Changing the loca-
tion of the sensor after the Sump Controller unit is programmed can result in sump flooding or low
sump fluid levels. The level sensor must be mounted in the sump at least 1 inch from the bottom of
the sump. It should always rest in fluids.
The solenoid valve (item #4 in Figure 2) is a normally closed valve. When the sump requires filling,
the Sump controller energizes the solenoid coil and opens the valve. Place the solenoid valve in the
plumbed fill line near the sump.
Figure 2. Sump Controller unit
Figure 3. Sensor Relief holes
Mount 1”
from sump