Operation manual of ZBL-R800, ZBL-R630, ZBL-C310A
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please refer to <software operation manual>. Storage file for rebar
data is with the ext. name “.801” while rust data is “.802”. Detector
has tips for whether deleting data automatically after transmission.
Attention: please do not unplug the U-disk during
transmission lest errors are made during data transmission.
3.2.2 GPRS transmission
Selecting “Data Output” in the option interface as shown in figure 3-2,
for GPRS Trans., and then pressing
to GPRS options interface as figure3-4A. Selecting Trans. Rebar Data
or Trans. Rust Data below GPRS transmission interface, and then
,detector will start up the power supply of GPRS
module to connect with internet. During the connection,
key can cancel the connection and exit from the process. After
successful connection, selected data can be transmitted automatically.
During the process,
key can cancel data transmission and
exit from it.
After transmission, “successful transmission” and whether to backup
data or not will be provided such as figure 3-4(B), it shows successful
transmission of GPRS and it depends on user for the choice of data
backup, if
is pressed, it will enter into data backup such as
figure 3-4(C). After backup, pressing any key will enter into data
deletion interface just as in figure 3-4(D). While after deletion, it will
go back to the GPRS transmission option interface of 3-4(A).if
in figure 3-4(B), data backup will not be done and data
deletion will be directly entered.