Zaxcom Nomad User’s Manual_____________________________________________________Chapter 2
This page controls the copying of the primary CF card to the mirror CF card. The mirror process copies from the
selected start segment to the selected end segment. The start segment will automatically increment with each new
recording of the primary media. The file type and the file resolution are set in the page. The file type and resolution
are usually determined by Post. The most common format: broadcast wave poly 24-bits.
The mirror CF card is formatted as FAT32, is fully compatible with all Mac and PC platforms and is generally used as a
deliverable format to Post.
the primary and mirror cards must be formatted by Nomad before use.
currently, 32gig cards are the largest recommended for use. Check with Zaxcom for a current
update on this restriction.
MIRROR CF MODE has two operational modes:
the mirror process will only start once the unit has gone into Stop mode. This is useful when a high track
count is mirrored and recorded files are of short duration.
while the unit has gone into Record mode, audio is copied to the mirror card immediately after
it is written to the primary card. Depending on the track count the mirror card may lag behind a bit. Not to
worry, after you go into Stop mode, the primary card from recording, the mirror card will catch up.
while mirroring, you must set the mirror folder to the folder you want to mirror. This is not
necessarily the same as the primary folder. If the primary folder and the mirror folder are not the same, the
wrong audio data may be written to the Mirror card.
Folder to Mirror page
Page purpose:
This page specifies which folder on the primary media is to be mirrored (copied).
How to get here:
My Nomad
Mirror CF
Folder to Mirror
Figure 2-33 Folder to Mirror page
Mirror Options page
Page purpose:
This page manages options related to the mirror process.
How to get here:
My Nomad
Mirror CF
Mirror Options
Figure 2-34 Mirror Options page