background image


With the white side of the red

gear facing the camera, surround
the focus barrel and put the two
halves of the gear together over the
focus ring.


While clamping around the focus barrel, mount the gear as close to

the body of the camera as possible without actually touching it.


With one hand clamping the gear

together, tighten the two retaining
screws on the white side of the gear.


After tightening the lens gear in place (see figure 3), align and straighten the gear on the lens barrel. 

Make sure the entire gear is close enough to the stop housing for the pin to engage the white area of the gear.
(see figure 4) For distance (see figure 5) Rotate the lens barrel around several times to gage the gap between
white plastic ring and stop housing so that they are consistent. If not, adjust gear by pushing on the edge that
touches (or is too far away from) the stop housing to get the whole gear equidistant from the stop housing.


After being mounted for 15 minutes or so the rubber inside edge of the gear should self center the

gear on the lens barrel for more smooth operation.

Camera body

Recommended spacing

Gear assembly

Stop pin


HVX200 Repeatable Focus Ring 

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5
