Z3-DM8107-RPS V1.2.6
The Z3-DM8107-MOD is designed to facilitate the implementation of video and audio functions on media-
embedded applications such as broadcast video encoding and decoding, video security and industrial DVR,
medical and industrial video and video conferencing terminal and MCU. Its versatile design allows the
system designer to focus on the end application, with confidence that the Z3-DM8107-MOD will handle all
audio and video media operations required with little or no additional engineering effort. Whether the end
application requires encode or decode media from storage or streaming, the readily available, production-
ready Z3-DM8107-MOD will simplify the overall system design, reducing time to market and costs.
Z3 Technology, LLC ♦ 100 N 8
ST, STE 250 ♦ Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 U.S.A. ♦ +1.402.323.0702