Z GRILLS, Inc. provides a 3-year warranty from the date of purchase by the original owner.
This warranty applies to defects in all materials and workmanship. During the warranty
period, Z GRILLS, Inc. will at its option repair or replace defective parts or units.
This limited warranty does not apply to paint, firepot, grill cover or damage caused from
corrosion. Z Grills shall not be liable for transportation charges, labor costs or export duties.
Z GRILLS, Inc. takes every precaution to utilize materials that retard rust including the use of
high-temperature paint where advisable. Even with these safeguards, the protective coating
can be compromised by various substances and conditions beyond Z Grills' control. Humid
environment, high temperature, chlorine, insecticide, salt and disinfectant are some of the
substances that can affect paint and metal coatings. For these reasons, the limited
warranties do not cover rust or oxidization, unless there is loss of structural integrity on the
grill components.
Z GRILLS, Inc. shall not be liable if you install, operate, clean or maintain your grill without
following the owners' manual instructions. Misuse, abuse, alteration and natural disasters
are not included in this warranty.