Install-TOMMI - JUN_2020 - 2020-06-18.docx
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Yunca Tommi Flue - Installation
With the Tommi fire to hand (Preferably in the room) mark the positions of the external air supply hole
and the seismic hold downs. Confirm against the actual Tommi. If there is a severe clash with a column
or stud, the air inlet position may be swapped about the centreline of the fire by removing the rear panel
and reversing it. You may find it easier to cut the hole for the air inlet and drill the holes for the seismic
fasteners before positioning the fire in place.
Determine the position of the centre of the Tommi flue horizontally in the room. Mark this on the floor.
Confirm with everyone concerned that this is where the fire should sit.
Transfer this floor position mark to the ceiling directly above using a plumb bob, laser or other means.
Mark a line from this point up and down the slope of the ceiling and a line through the point across the
slope forming a cross.
Accurately determine t
he actual slope of your ceiling. Using the numbers from the supplied “Ceiling Tile
Frame Cut Out” chart, mark out the rectangle on the ceiling. (Views are taken from inside the room,
looking up. The ceiling is “see through”.)
Ensure that the flue will miss ceiling and roof support members. The minimum rear clearance for the
Tommi fire is 100mm from the wall to the fan housing, at the rear of the fire. If the fire is being set up
parallel to the wall, this clearance will be achieved with a distance of 350mm from the wall to the centre
of the flue. (See Fig. 1 below).
Fig 1
– Plan View - Tommi Installed Parallel to Main Wall