FORM 145.05-SU3 (611)
ISSUE DATE 6/01/2011
This Quick Start-up Guide indicates required field
wiring, miscellaneous connections, and minimum pro-
gramming to provide proper unit operation. This guide
does not include required basic installation practices
discussed in the YSWU/YSWD with IPU control In-
stallation, Operation, and Maintenance manual (Form
145.05-NOM3). The IOM should be reviewed to en-
sure all proper procedures and safety precautions are
followed when installing this equipment.
In addition, any system alarms indicated by the User In-
terface should be diagnosed as referenced in the Instal-
lation, Operation, and Maintenance manual -
refer to the
Fault Description Table, located in the Service section of
the IOM.
This Quick Start-up Guide is indexed according to unit
type and options. Units are categorized as either:
• Constant Volume by type of control (zone sensor,
or communicated zone sensor),
• Variable Air Volume (VAV) by type of supply air
reset (hard wired, outdoor air temperature, return
air temperature, or supply fan speed), or
• FlexSys*.
Refer to applicable section for required field wiring,
miscellaneous connections, and programming.
References to “Programming” indicates the setpoints
that should be programmed/verified, under the respec-
tive key on the User Interface keypad (SETPOINT,
ULE keys).
Unit options should be programmed based on the unit
configuration as supplied by the factory.
Refer to Appendix 1 for Installation and Programming
information before using this Quick Start-up Guide.
Appendix 2 outlines the sequence of operation of the
Factory Run Test feature of the control. The unit soft-
ware, as shipped from the factory, contains the Fac-
tory Run Test program. The Factory Run Test feature
is used by the factory to verify proper operation of the
unit. However, this feature can also be used in the field
during start-up. By running the program you can easily
determine that all the key electrical components of the
unit are working properly.
See Appendix 2 for direc-
tions on how to turn on the Factory Run Test feature
as well as a description of the operation of the test
* FlexSys VAV is YORK’s VAV Underfloor Air Unit.