FORM 160.54-O1
ISSUE DATE: 9/10/2014
ture Setpoint in Heating mode. See the Leaving Con-
denser Liquid Temperature Setpoint – Range Setpoint
description below.
Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
Setpoints – Shutdown
Displays the Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
at which the Heat Pump will shut down on LEAVING
cycling shutdown in Heating mode. See Leaving Con-
denser Liquid Temperature Cycling Offset – Shutdown
Setpoint description below.
Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
Setpoints – Effective Offset
Displays the actual offset being used to create the Leav-
ing Condenser Liquid Temperature setpoints – Shut-
down temperature above. See Leaving Condenser Liq-
uid Temperature Cycling Offset – Shutdown Setpoint
description below.
Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
Setpoints – Restart
Displays the Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
at which the Heat Pump will restart after shutting down
PERATURE cycling shutdown in Heating mode. See
Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature Cycling Off-
set – Restart Setpoint description below.
Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
Setpoints – Offset
Displays the offset being used to create the Leaving
Condenser Liquid Temperature Setpoints – Restart
temperature above. See Leaving Condenser Liquid
Temperature Cycling Offset – Restart Setpoint descrip-
tion below.
For fields requiring access level of SER
VICE. Service Technicians refer to the
OptiView Control Center - Service Instruc
tions (Form 160.54-M1) for operation
instructions and explanation of all pro-
grammable setpoints and displayed values.
Heating Sensitivity
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows the user to adjust the Heat Pump sensitivity of
the PRV response to changes in the Leaving Condenser
Liquid Temperature as its being controlled in Heating
mode. It determines the magnitude of PRV movement
in response to a change in Leaving Condenser Liquid
Temperature. Programmable over the range of NOR-
MAL, 50% (default), 30%, 10%. Normal is the stan-
dard setting and provides the longest PRV pulse for a
given change. The 50%, 30% and 10% selections pro-
vide decreasing pulse durations for the same amount of
change in the Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature.
The 10% selection provides the shortest pulse duration.
Select smaller settings, as necessary, to prevent over-
shoot of the Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
Operational Mode
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
This setpoint can only be changed when the chiller is
stopped and the RUN switch is in the Stop-Reset po-
sition. This setpoint sets the Heat Pump operation to
either Cooling (default) or Heating operation.
Local Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
– Setpoint
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
This allows the user to define the Local Mode Heat
Pump Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature
Setpoint that is to be maintained in Heating mode. It
is programmable over the range of 65.0°F to 122.0°F
(default 95.0°F). A remote device can provide an ana-
log signal (0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 10VDC, 2 to
10VDC) in Analog Remote mode, or a PWM signal in
Digital Remote mode that changes the setpoint by cre-
ating an offset below this setpoint. This offset may be
defined as a maximum of 10, 20, 30 or 40°F below the
local setpoint (see Local Leaving Condenser Liquid
Temperature Range description below). An E-Link or
Micro Gateway card (in ISN Remote mode) can set the
setpoint through a serial communications interface. In
this case, the incoming setpoint is not an offset below
the local setpoint. Rather, it is the setpoint value.
Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature –
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
This is the range over which an analog signal (0 to
20mA, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 10VDC or 2 to 10VDC) in
Analog Remote mode or a PWM signal (1 to 11 sec-
onds) in Digital Remote mode, can reset the Leaving
Condenser Liquid Temperature Setpoint below the op-
erator programmed local setpoint (see above) while the
Heat Pump is in Heating mode. Programmable values
are 10, 20, 30 or 40ºF (default 10). This number is sub-
tracted from the local setpoint to create a range over