FORM 160.87-OM1
ISSUE DATE: 8/24/2018
Econ Level High Shutdown
(Range 80 to 100%, Default 95%)
Displays the position of the Pre-Rotation Vanes at full
Full Capacity PRV Position
Access Level Required: SERVICE
(Range 80 to 100%, Default 95%)
Displays the position of the main compressor PRV
when it is considered to be at Full Capacity.
Econ Exit Boost Econ Temp Offset
Access Level Required: SERVICE
(Range 0 to 5°F, Default 1°F)
Displays the offset of the temperature that controls
when the chiller exits the boost mode to go into the
economizer mode.
Econ PRV Start Position
Access Level Required: SERVICE
(Range 0 to 30%, Default 2%)
Displays the starting position of the economizer
prerotation vanes.
The following setpoints require ADMIN Access:
Econ Gear Ratio Override
(Range 0.0 to 7.0, Default 0.0)
Shows the override used if the gears are changed to ac-
commodate customer performance requirements
Econ Motor Slip Factor
(Range 0.98 to 1.0, Default 0)
Displays the slip factor of the motor. A 60 Hz motor
isn't truly 60 Hz, but rather a 59% motor. The difference
is the slip factor.
Econ Impeller Diameter Override
(Range 0.0 to 1.0, Default 0.0)
Displays the change in size of the impeller if a different
unit is used in the economizer.
Econ Temperature Control Max Loading Delta
(Range 0.1 to 100.0, Default 1.0)
Displays the maximum temperature difference used to
initiate changes in the economizer mode.
Econ Temperature Control Max Unloading
(Range 0.1 to 100.0, Default 1.0)
Econ Temperature Control Kp
(Range 0.1 to 15.0, Default 5.0)
Adjusts the Proportional Gain.
Econ Temperature Control Ti
(Range 0.1 to 200.0, Default 25.0)
Adjusts the Integral Gain.
Econ Temperature Control Td
(Range 0.0 to 200.0, Default 0.0)
Adjusts the Derivative Gain.
Econ PRV Output Gain
(Range 0.1 to 10.0, Default 1.0)
Displays the output gain used to control the economiz-
er Pre-Rotation Vanes.
Change Setpoints
Access Level Required: SERVICE or ADMIN
Pressing this button will display a green box around the
first programmable item on the screen. The arrow keys
can be used to move the box around to select the item
to program.
Default Setpoints
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Pressing this button will display a dialog box telling
the user to “Press Enter to set all Econ Capacity Con-
trol Setpoints to their default value. Press Cancel to
leave setpoints unchanged.” If the user presses Enter,
all Econ Capacity Control Setpoints will return to the
default settings.
Access Level Required: VIEW
Returns the user to the HOME Screen.
Capacity Control
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows the user to navigate to the Economizer Capac-
ity Control Screen..
Anti-Surge Tuning
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows the user to navigate to the Econ Anti-Surge
Tuning Screen.