FORM 160.73-N1 (904)
This equipment is a relatively complicated apparatus. During installation, operation maintenance or ser vice,
in di vid u als may be exposed to certain components or conditions including, but not limited to: re frig er ants,
oils, materials under pressure, rotating components, and both high and low voltage. Each of these items
has the potential, if misused or handled improperly, to cause bodily injury or death. It is the ob li ga tion and
responsibility of operating/service personnel to identify and recognize these inherent hazards, protect
themselves, and proceed safely in com plet ing their tasks. Failure to comply with any of these requirements
could result in serious dam age to the equipment and the property in which it is situated, as well as severe
personal injury or death to themselves and people at the site.
This document is intended for use by owner-authorized operating/service personnel. It is ex pect ed that this
individual posseses independent training that will enable them to perform their assigned tasks prop er ly and
safely. It is essential that, prior to performing any task on this equip ment, this individual shall have read
and understood this document and any referenced ma te ri als. This individual shall also be familiar with and
comply with all applicable governmental standards and regulations pertaining to the task in question.
The following symbol is used in this document to alert the reader to areas of potential hazard:
NOTE is used to highlight additional information which may be helpful to you.
CAUTION identi
es a hazard which could lead to damage to the machine, damage to other
equipment and/or environmental pollution. Usually an instruction will be given, together with
a brief ex pla na tion.
In complying with YORK’s policy for continuous product improvement, the information contained in this
document is subject to change without notice. While YORK makes no commitment to update or provide
current information automatically to the manual owner, that information, if applicable, can be obtained by
contacting the nearest YORK Applied Systems Service of
It is the responsibility of operating/service personnel to verify the applicability of these documents to
the equipment in question. If there is any question in the mind of operating/service personnel as to the
ap pli ca bil i ty of these documents, then prior to working on the equipment, they should verify with the owner
whether the equipment has been modi
ed and if current literature is available.